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svg view tag with animation

by peach1227 2023. 10. 15.
<svg viewBox="14.051 -3.513 500 500" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:bx="https://boxy-svg.com">
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      <title>View 3</title>
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  <path style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: rgb(122, 128, 195);" d="M 311.475 59.133 C 322.02 56.497 338.6 63.225 341.92 73.185 C 343.21 77.054 341.545 83.199 340.164 86.651 C 339.51 88.285 338.923 89.204 338.408 90.749 C 338.132 91.577 336.364 93.091 337.237 93.091 C 340.483 93.091 346.946 89.711 349.532 88.993 C 355.417 87.358 362.158 86.651 368.267 86.651 C 368.664 86.651 375.642 85.829 376.464 86.651 C 376.972 87.16 376.464 91.191 376.464 91.92 C 376.464 99.418 373.826 104.593 366.511 107.728 C 366.117 107.897 360.07 111.827 360.07 111.827 C 360.07 111.827 369.389 111.351 370.023 111.827 C 378.199 117.959 378.827 127.154 380.562 135.831 C 380.658 136.313 381.891 140.109 381.148 141.101 C 377.787 145.581 371.698 143.302 367.096 144.028 C 356.724 145.666 329.625 155.069 329.625 137.002"></path>
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View 1 View 2 View 3 View 4 we are ...

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