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nbc nn 230926 nbc nightly news ; Biden joins striking United Auto Workers on the picket line in Detroit; Judge rules Trump committed fraud by overvaluing assets and net worth; Urgent manhunt underway for the suspected murderer of Baltimore tech CEO Pava..

by peach1227 2023. 9. 27.
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0:00 0:03 tonight President Biden making history
0:03 0:05 becoming the first sitting president to
0:05 0:07 join a picket line President Biden with
0:07 0:09 a bullhorn urging Auto Workers to stick
0:09 0:11 with it in their fight against the big
0:11 0:14 three the show of support just one day
0:14 0:16 before former president Trump is also
0:16 0:19 set to speak to Auto Workers our team is
0:19 0:21 there also tonight the New York judge
0:21 0:24 fighting Donald Trump liable for fraud
0:24 0:26 what it means for his Civil Trial set to
0:26 0:29 begin next week the tech CEO just 26
0:29 0:32 found dead in Baltimore the armed in
0:32 0:34 dangerous suspect police are looking for
0:34 0:37 Senator Bob Menendez back on Capitol
0:37 0:39 Hill as Paul's to resign over bribery
0:39 0:42 charges grow from his own party our
0:42 0:45 reporter asks him directly about what
0:45 0:47 he'll do next the clock ticking toward a
0:47 0:50 government shutdown the new poll who
0:50 0:52 gets the blame if it happens sweeping
0:52 0:55 antitrust lawsuit against Amazon the
0:55 0:57 online giant accused of an illegal
0:57 1:00 Monopoly how it's responding the fleece
1:00 1:02 teaching of America wire taxpayer
1:02 1:05 dollars being sunk into Navy ships that
1:05 1:08 may never sail again and just in news on
1:08 1:10 a beloved Baseball Hall of Famer
1:10 1:13 remembering Brooks Robinson
1:13 1:14 foreign
1:14 1:17 this is NBC Nightly News with Lester
1:17 1:19 Holt
1:19 1:21 good evening and welcome President Biden
1:21 1:23 today inserted himself in a labor
1:23 1:25 dispute in a way no other modern
1:25 1:28 president has joining striking Auto
1:28 1:30 Workers on the picket line outside of GM
1:30 1:33 plant near Detroit through a bullhorn
1:33 1:34 telling workers they deserve the
1:34 1:37 significant raise they need and standing
1:37 1:39 shoulder to shoulder with picketers as
1:39 1:42 UAW leader Sean Fain railed against
1:42 1:45 corporate greed the president making the
1:45 1:47 trip 12 days into the strike against the
1:47 1:50 big three automakers his visit marking a
1:50 1:52 major shift from keeping a distance from
1:52 1:55 negotiations to proudly siding with
1:55 1:57 union members all against the background
1:57 2:00 of the 2024 election underscored by
2:00 2:02 former president Trump's plans to visit
2:02 2:05 tomorrow Gabe Gutierrez is in Michigan
2:05 2:08 with late details in a historic visit a
2:08 2:10 U.S president on the picket line
2:10 2:12 throwing his full-throated support
2:12 2:15 behind the Striking United Auto Workers
2:15 2:18 gave up a lot and the companies were in
2:18 2:19 trouble
2:19 2:21 now they're doing incredibly well and
2:21 2:23 guess what you should be doing
2:23 2:25 incredibly well too President Biden and
2:25 2:27 the General Motors plan outside Detroit
2:27 2:30 wearing a UAW hat and standing shoulder
2:30 2:32 to shoulder with Union president Sean
2:32 2:34 Fain it's about the Auto Workers who are
2:34 2:36 part of the fabric of the working class
2:36 2:39 of this country the union has a number
2:39 2:41 of Demands including 40 percent pay
2:41 2:43 hikes today the president said he
2:43 2:45 supports bargaining for that each
2:45 2:48 automaker offering roughly 20 raises the
2:48 2:50 White House has not been directly
2:50 2:52 involved in the negotiations do you
2:52 2:55 think the president has been as involved
2:55 2:57 as he should have been doing this whole
2:57 3:01 process no I don't Ford worker Tamika
3:01 3:03 Ellis thinks the President should have
3:03 3:04 come sooner
3:04 3:07 you have a schedule but I do believe
3:07 3:10 that because this is very huge and how
3:10 3:12 it can affect the economy
3:12 3:13 um that he should have been a little
3:13 3:15 more involved his visit comes a day
3:15 3:17 before Republican front-runner former
3:17 3:19 president Trump is expected here in this
3:19 3:21 critical Battleground state to
3:21 3:23 aggressively Court blue collar workers
3:23 3:25 as he skips the GOP Primary debate the
3:25 3:27 Trump campaign argues that Biden
3:27 3:28 administration's push for electric
3:28 3:32 vehicles will end up costing union jobs
3:32 3:34 when he's selling our automobile
3:34 3:36 companies everything right down the
3:36 3:38 tubes it's expected to be a key issue in
3:38 3:41 the 2024 presidential campaign unions
3:41 3:42 and other industries from culinary
3:42 3:44 workers in Las Vegas to health care
3:44 3:46 workers in multiple states are
3:46 3:49 considering their own work stoppages do
3:49 3:51 you think this is a big moment for labor
3:51 3:53 I think so I think this is more than
3:53 3:55 just the United Auto Workers I think
3:55 3:56 this is for the working class itself as
3:56 3:59 well but the stakes are high according
3:59 4:01 to the latest NBC News poll just 37
4:01 4:03 percent of Voters approve of President
4:03 4:06 Biden's handling of the the economy and
4:06 4:08 Republicans have a 21 Point Advantage
4:08 4:10 when voters were asked which political
4:10 4:13 party handles it better Phil Foster is a
4:13 4:15 stalantis worker now struggling to make
4:15 4:17 ends meet at home during the strike on
4:17 4:21 500 a week for him the president's visit
4:21 4:25 is crucial I'm hoping that the push from
4:25 4:26 the White House helps us out we could
4:26 4:29 definitely use his support Gabe have the
4:29 4:31 automakers responded to the president's
4:31 4:33 visit
4:33 4:36 notably no Lester but GM has previously
4:36 4:38 said our focus is not on politics but
4:38 4:40 continues to be on bargaining in good
4:40 4:42 faith negotiations with all three
4:42 4:45 automakers continue Lester Gabe
4:45 4:47 Gutierrez thank you we're following some
4:47 4:49 breaking news right now let's get these
4:49 4:52 late details
4:52 4:54 Lester good evening from Los Angeles
4:54 4:56 where the Writers Guild of America just
4:56 4:59 announced their strike is over and
4:59 5:01 Riders can go back to work as soon as
5:01 5:03 tomorrow the agreement with Studios and
5:03 5:05 streamers which is expected to soon be
5:05 5:08 ratified by the union effectively ends
5:08 5:11 the nearly five month long strike that
5:11 5:13 shut down Hollywood details of the deal
5:13 5:15 are just starting to come in they
5:15 5:18 include a pay raise of about 13 percent
5:18 5:20 compounded over three years protection
5:20 5:23 around the use of AI a big sticking
5:23 5:25 point and larger payouts of streaming
5:25 5:28 residuals it's a major step in ending
5:28 5:30 the lockout that has crippled Hollywood
5:30 5:33 a senior member of sag-aftra also tells
5:33 5:35 NBC news that the writer's deal could
5:35 5:37 lead to movement in the stall
5:37 5:40 negotiation between the actors Union and
5:40 5:42 Studios and streamers they're optimistic
5:42 5:44 that talks could resume as early as this
5:44 5:47 week in hopes of bringing Hollywood back
5:47 5:50 into action by Thanksgiving Lester back
5:50 5:52 to you in New York now to the new legal
5:52 5:55 low tonight for former president Trump a
5:55 5:57 New York State's 250 million dollar
5:57 6:00 civil lawsuit over alleged business
6:00 6:02 fraud Garrett Hague joins us Garrett the
6:02 6:04 judge making some highly critical
6:04 6:07 comments in this case
6:07 6:08 yeah that's right Lester the judge
6:08 6:10 ruling the former president committed
6:10 6:12 repeated acts of fraud in building up
6:12 6:14 his real estate Empire and in a scathing
6:14 6:16 ruling the judge found Mr Trump
6:16 6:18 repeatedly lied to both Banks and
6:18 6:20 insurers about the value of his
6:20 6:22 properties and exaggerated his wealth by
6:22 6:24 billions of dollars to get more
6:24 6:26 favorable loan terms or insurance rates
6:26 6:27 the judge writing Mr Trump's financial
6:27 6:30 statements were quote based in a fantasy
6:30 6:32 world not the real world and said any
6:32 6:34 remaining legal issues will be resolved
6:34 6:36 at the trial beginning on Monday Mr
6:36 6:37 Trump calling the lawsuit a politically
6:37 6:39 motivated Witch Hunt by a democratic
6:39 6:41 attorney general and Trump's lawyer
6:41 6:43 saying they'll appeal Lester all right
6:43 6:44 Garrett Hague thanks we'll turn now to
6:44 6:47 the Urgent man hunting Baltimore a 26
6:47 6:50 year old Tech CEO found murdered now
6:50 6:52 police say they are conducting an
6:52 6:54 all-out search for a suspect considered
6:54 6:58 armed and dangerous here's Emily aqueda
6:58 7:00 tonight an urgent Manhunt for an
7:00 7:03 dangerous man who police say killed a 26
7:03 7:06 year old Tech CEO this individual will
7:06 7:09 kill and he will rape he will do
7:09 7:11 anything he can to cause harm police
7:11 7:13 imploring people in Baltimore to be
7:13 7:15 careful with 32 year old Jason
7:15 7:18 Billingsley On The Run directing this
7:18 7:20 message to the suspected killer every
7:20 7:22 single police officer in Baltimore City
7:22 7:24 the state of Maryland as well as the U.S
7:24 7:26 Marshals are looking for you we will
7:26 7:28 find you he's accused of murdering
7:28 7:31 Forbes 30 under 30 honoree pava Le pair
7:31 7:33 a papa CEO and founder of ecomap
7:33 7:35 Technologies a baltimore-based company
7:35 7:37 Lapeer founded while a student at Johns
7:37 7:40 Hopkins University on Monday Baltimore
7:40 7:42 Police found the 26 year old dead in an
7:42 7:44 apartment with signs of blunt force
7:44 7:46 trauma shortly after she was reported
7:46 7:49 missing they do not believe Lapeer knew
7:49 7:51 her killer friends say she lived above
7:51 7:54 ecomap's office her death a total shock
7:54 7:56 to co-workers ecomap calling her a
7:56 7:58 Visionary writing today the
7:58 8:00 circumstances surrounding pava's death
8:00 8:02 are deeply distressing this is a
8:02 8:05 homicide investigation how do you even
8:05 8:08 begin to make sense of that this 26 year
8:08 8:11 old rising star in the tech industry
8:11 8:14 you don't there's nothing to there's no
8:14 8:16 sense to be made of it Venture
8:16 8:18 capitalism Mentor Matt Conwell helps
8:18 8:20 Lapeer secure funding when she first
8:20 8:22 started her company was that person who
8:22 8:25 was always smiling always optimistic and
8:25 8:27 always looking to help others
8:27 8:29 Billingsley has a lengthy rap sheet
8:29 8:31 including sex offense assault and
8:31 8:33 robbery convictions he was released on
8:33 8:36 parole last fall Lester there's growing
8:36 8:38 pressure on New Jersey Senator Bob
8:38 8:41 Menendez tonight more than 20 fellow
8:41 8:43 Senate Democrats calling on him to
8:43 8:45 resign after he was charged with bribery
8:45 8:47 Ryan Nobles is at the Capitol tonight
8:47 8:50 where he's pressed Senator Menendez will
8:50 8:51 he step down
8:51 8:54 a day after defiantly denying bribery
8:54 8:56 allegations and facing growing calls
8:56 8:59 from fellow Democrats to step down New
8:59 9:01 Jersey Senator Bob Menendez tonight back
9:01 9:03 on Capitol Hill saying he will not
9:03 9:06 resign why won't you resign sir Senator
9:06 9:08 because I'm innocent what's wrong with
9:08 9:10 you guys the growing list of Democrats
9:10 9:12 calling for his resignation now
9:12 9:13 including New Jersey's other Senator
9:13 9:16 Cory Booker writing faith and trust in
9:16 9:18 Menendez has been shaken to the core all
9:18 9:20 after that indictment accusing Menendez
9:20 9:23 of accepting wads of cash gold bars and
9:23 9:26 a Mercedes as bribes President Biden
9:26 9:28 still silent about Menendez but tonight
9:28 9:31 releasing this video on another growing
9:31 9:33 drama the looming government shutdown
9:33 9:35 it's time for these Republicans in the
9:35 9:37 house to start doing their job while
9:37 9:39 speaker Kevin McCarthy is calling for a
9:39 9:41 meeting with the president the president
9:41 9:44 can really come down to this and make
9:44 9:46 sure government stays open but McCarthy
9:46 9:48 is still struggling to get the support
9:48 9:49 of a handful of hard-line conservative
9:49 9:52 holdouts on a stop Gap measure to keep
9:52 9:54 the government funded with just four
9:54 9:56 days to go until a potential shutdown
9:56 9:59 there is political risk for both sides a
9:59 10:01 new poll shows 40 percent of Americans
10:01 10:03 will blame President Biden and Democrats
10:03 10:05 if there's a shutdown while 33 percent
10:05 10:07 will blame Republicans while the
10:07 10:10 paychecks of government workers like TSA
10:10 10:12 agent Alicia dalford hang in the balance
10:12 10:14 if you have children you have families
10:14 10:17 all of them will be greatly impacted and
10:17 10:19 it's not just federal employees it's
10:19 10:21 everyone it's the economy as well right
10:21 10:23 now even if there were a grand bargain
10:23 10:25 lawmakers are running out of time to get
10:25 10:27 the legislation passed and at this point
10:27 10:30 there's no sign a big deal is even on
10:30 10:32 the table Lester Ryan thank you also
10:32 10:34 tonight the Federal Trade Commission
10:34 10:37 suing Amazon accusing the online retail
10:37 10:39 giant of monopolizing the business
10:39 10:41 depriving consumers of open and Fair
10:41 10:44 competition and driving up prices as a
10:44 10:48 result Jake Ward has details tonight the
10:48 10:50 Federal Trade Commission is calling the
10:50 10:52 One-Stop Online Marketplace a monopoly
10:52 10:54 one that illegally Smothers competitors
10:54 10:57 and takes money out of your pocket for
10:57 10:58 this small company selling educational
10:58 11:01 toys online Amazon is everything we live
11:01 11:04 and die by Amazon 90 of our sales the
11:04 11:06 antitrust suit filed by the FTC in 17
11:06 11:08 other states today accuses Amazon of
11:08 11:10 forcing sellers to pay unnecessary fees
11:10 11:13 pushing Amazon's own products even when
11:13 11:15 it knows others are better quality and
11:15 11:18 manipulating search results to bury
11:18 11:19 products from Merchants who sell for
11:19 11:21 Less on other platforms if your products
11:21 11:23 sell for Less off of Amazon on
11:23 11:26 marketplaces like Walmart they will
11:26 11:29 suppress your products on Amazon in a
11:29 11:31 statement Amazon says we don't highlight
11:31 11:32 or promote offers that are not
11:32 11:34 competitively priced Amazon controls as
11:34 11:37 much as 50 percent of the online retail
11:37 11:38 Market according to a 2020 house
11:38 11:41 Judiciary report and the move follows
11:41 11:42 urging from the president earlier this
11:42 11:45 year past the bipartisan legislation of
11:45 11:46 strength and strengthen and Trust
11:46 11:49 enforcement if for beg and prevent big
11:49 11:51 online platforms giving their own
11:51 11:54 products an unfair Advantage but it also
11:54 11:55 follows a string of recent defeats for
11:55 11:57 the Federal Trade Commission the six for
11:57 11:59 the FTC are significant and it's trying
11:59 12:02 to prove this case using new theories
12:02 12:05 that it thinks are well suited to our
12:05 12:08 new modern economy the suit asks the
12:08 12:09 court to make Amazon stop doing business
12:09 12:11 the way they have and according to the
12:11 12:13 FTC would give you more affordable
12:13 12:15 choices online but Amazon says if the
12:15 12:17 FTC gets its way it'll mean fewer
12:17 12:19 products to choose from higher prices
12:19 12:21 slower deliveries and reduced options
12:21 12:24 for small businesses Jake Ward NBC News
12:24 12:27 San Francisco in 60 seconds why is it so
12:27 12:30 hard to find a primary care doctor the
12:30 12:31 critical shortage and what's behind it
12:31 12:36 right after this
12:36 12:38 we're back now with a health alert more
12:38 12:40 Americans across the country are
12:40 12:42 struggling to find physicians in fact
12:42 12:44 one estimate projects a shortage of up
12:44 12:48 to 48 000 primary care doctors in the
12:48 12:51 U.S by 2034 and Thompson now on what's
12:51 12:54 driving it see you in a little bit Dr
12:54 12:57 Terry Vester 68 years old is still
12:57 13:00 working as a primary care physician in
13:00 13:03 rural Lafayette Alabama the only one
13:03 13:05 within a 30-minute drive there have been
13:05 13:07 doctors that come through here but they
13:07 13:08 don't stay
13:08 13:11 in New York City where there are four
13:11 13:13 times as many doctors as the entire
13:13 13:16 state of Alabama Olga Taurus lost her
13:16 13:18 primary care physician to concierge
13:18 13:21 medicine two years ago I could go see
13:21 13:25 him at this concierge practice for ten
13:25 13:27 thousand dollars a year have you been
13:27 13:29 looking for a primary care physician I
13:29 13:31 have and have you found one I have not
13:31 13:34 unable to find one taking new patients
13:34 13:38 today Torres says her cardiologist fills
13:38 13:40 that role this is not what she should be
13:40 13:42 doing Across America primary care
13:42 13:45 doctors are increasingly hard to find my
13:45 13:47 own parents had the same issue in
13:47 13:49 Jacksonville Florida Dr Jesse aaronfeld
13:49 13:51 leads the American Medical Association
13:51 13:55 why is that shortage so acute today well
13:55 13:57 the problem is the number of Physicians
13:57 13:59 NEOS is growing is just not growing fast
13:59 14:02 enough the AMA says it takes 10 years to
14:02 14:05 educate and train a physician while the
14:05 14:07 population grows and ages we know that
14:07 14:09 Health outcomes are worse when people
14:09 14:11 don't have access to Primary Care they
14:11 14:14 live shorter lives and they live sticker
14:14 14:17 lives the EMA says more Federal funding
14:17 14:19 is needed to increase training slots the
14:19 14:21 average two hundred thousand dollars in
14:21 14:24 medical school debt must be eased and
14:24 14:26 physician burnout addressed until
14:26 14:29 Replacements arrive Dr Vester and her
14:29 14:32 internist husband vow to keep working
14:32 14:34 they will come but we're going to be
14:34 14:36 here until then and we'll just have to
14:36 14:36 go to
14:36 14:39 the gym and exercise a little bit
14:39 14:42 to keep America in good health and
14:42 14:45 Thompson NBC News New York
14:45 14:47 coming up the fleecing of America
14:47 14:49 outrage over Old Navy ships spending
14:49 14:51 years undergoing repairs costing
14:51 14:54 taxpayers millions and millions why
14:54 14:58 won't the Navy just retire them next
14:58 15:01 [Music]
15:01 15:03 we're back now with our series The
15:03 15:05 fleecing of America tonight Courtney
15:05 15:07 cubey looks into the Staggering cost to
15:07 15:10 taxpayers of repairing Old Navy ships
15:10 15:12 some of them never expected to sail
15:12 15:14 again
15:14 15:16 growing outrage that billions of dollars
15:16 15:18 of taxpayer money is
15:18 15:20 the end of navy ships that may never be
15:20 15:22 ready to go back into battle here in
15:22 15:24 Norfolk Virginia we found old ships
15:24 15:26 docked for delayed maintenance critics
15:26 15:28 say they should be retired instead the
15:28 15:30 Navy keeps pouring money into repairs
15:30 15:33 maintenance for U.S Navy ships is so
15:33 15:35 backed up that we found this ship the
15:35 15:38 USS Vicksburg it's been here in Virginia
15:38 15:41 for six years and we've learned it's not
15:41 15:43 likely to ever go back out to sea the
15:43 15:46 Navy awarded 500 million dollars to
15:46 15:48 modernize the Vicksburg and it's still
15:48 15:51 not done then there's the 31 year old
15:51 15:53 U.S attack submarine the USS Boise under
15:53 15:56 repairs for eight years earlier this
15:56 15:58 month lawmakers grilling Navy officials
15:58 16:00 there's really no excuse I think it's
16:00 16:03 time for a a a a
16:03 16:07 hair on fire task force on this issue
16:07 16:09 the Navy is cutting down repair times
16:09 16:11 but the backlog still costs taxpayers
16:11 16:13 billions according to Diana Maurer with
16:13 16:15 the Watchdog government accountability
16:15 16:17 office it just does not make a lot of
16:17 16:19 sense to have a ship sit in maintenance
16:19 16:22 for six years performing no missions
16:22 16:25 where they're spending tens if not
16:25 16:26 hundreds of millions of dollars on a
16:26 16:30 modernization that may never actually be
16:30 16:31 put out to sea again the Navy has said
16:31 16:33 each year they asked Congress to retire
16:33 16:36 old ships but lawmakers object because
16:36 16:38 the repair work guarantees jobs in their
16:38 16:40 districts and others think they need as
16:40 16:42 many ships as possible no matter their
16:42 16:45 condition to deter China the Vicksburg
16:45 16:47 is docked near Congressman Rob Whitman's
16:47 16:49 Virginia district
16:49 16:51 he tells us he's opposed to retiring the
16:51 16:54 ship and blames the Navy for failing to
16:54 16:56 manage the repairs but now he says the
16:56 16:58 retirement could be a given they've
16:58 16:59 spent hundreds of millions of dollars on
16:59 17:01 it was that a waste of taxpayer dollars
17:01 17:03 at this point well I think you could
17:03 17:04 certainly make an argument if you're
17:04 17:06 going to now Salvage that ship so all
17:06 17:08 that money that you've spent there is
17:08 17:11 not going to relate to military
17:11 17:13 Readiness then yes I think you could
17:13 17:14 make an argument to say that that was a
17:14 17:16 waste of money I think a lot of viewers
17:16 17:19 might watch this and say okay we spent
17:19 17:21 hundreds of millions of dollars and six
17:21 17:23 years on this ship yes and it's sitting
17:23 17:25 there and it's not likely to ever go
17:25 17:27 back out to sea yes so how do you
17:27 17:30 explain to them how that happened well
17:30 17:32 they should be frustrated like I am and
17:32 17:34 I would say in several areas it's it's a
17:34 17:37 breakdown in execution of repairing that
17:37 17:39 ship this should be a lesson for us
17:39 17:41 never to repeat this again in a
17:41 17:43 statement to NBC News the Navy secretary
17:43 17:44 vowed to extend the life of ships
17:44 17:46 whenever possible but he added that
17:46 17:48 continuing to spend money on outdated
17:48 17:51 systems is not a smart use of taxpayer
17:51 17:53 funds and does not deter adversaries
17:53 17:56 like China Lester Courtney cubey thank
17:56 17:57 you coming up remembering baseball
17:57 18:01 Legend Brooks Robinson
18:01 18:03 one of baseball's all-time grades has
18:03 18:06 died Brooks Robinson the third baseman
18:06 18:08 who played his entire career with the
18:08 18:12 Baltimore Orioles from 1955 to 1977.
18:12 18:15 Robinson was an 18-time All-Star a World
18:15 18:18 Series Most Valuable Player and was
18:18 18:20 inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame
18:20 18:24 in 1983 known as Mr Oriel he was 86
18:24 18:27 years old and that's Nightly News for
18:27 18:29 this Tuesday thank you for watching I'm
18:29 18:31 Lester Holt please take care of yourself
18:31 18:34 and each other goodness
18:34 18:36 thanks for watching stay updated about
18:36 18:39 breaking news and top stories on the NBC
18:39 18:39 News app or follow us on social media