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cbs en 230926 cbs evening news ; Trump and his company "repeatedly" violated fraud law, judge rules; New York City Ballet celebrates 75 years

by peach1227 2023. 9. 27.
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0:00 0:01 [Music]
0:01 0:03 tonight we're following a number of
0:03 0:05 breaking stories a judge finds Donald
0:05 0:08 Trump committed fraud for years the
0:08 0:10 former president's business licenses
0:10 0:12 rescinded in New York here are tonight's
0:12 0:13 headlines
0:13 0:14 [Music]
0:14 0:17 a judge rules Donald Trump inflated the
0:17 0:19 value of his assets by billions
0:19 0:22 defrauding Banks and insurers what we're
0:22 0:23 learning
0:23 0:25 [Music]
0:25 0:27 the breaking news in a case of that New
0:27 0:30 York City daycare drug ring the owner's
0:30 0:32 husband in custody tonight in Sinaloa
0:32 0:35 Mexico all related to the fentanyl
0:35 0:37 poisoning of a one-year-old boy
0:37 0:39 Wall Street
0:39 0:42 Wall Street in the middle class built
0:42 0:46 the middle class President Biden joins
0:46 0:48 the picket line what impact his support
0:48 0:50 could have on negotiations sitting
0:50 0:52 president has never walked the picket
0:52 0:54 line before so it's historic just like
0:54 0:57 this strike is restored lives were safe
0:57 0:59 new information about the threats that a
0:59 1:01 man was accused of making against a
1:01 1:03 church in Northern Virginia police say
1:03 1:05 the man was armed with a loaded gun and
1:05 1:07 had extra ammunition when he was
1:07 1:09 arrested in Prince William County with
1:09 1:11 just days until the deadline what a
1:11 1:12 government shutdown could mean for
1:12 1:15 millions of Americans extremely dry
1:15 1:17 conditions along the Mississippi River
1:17 1:19 have dropped fresh water levels and
1:19 1:22 currents to Historic lows threatening
1:22 1:24 water treatment facilities along the
1:24 1:25 river
1:25 1:27 after a string of theft's Target
1:27 1:29 announces it will close a number of
1:29 1:31 stores we'll tell you where
1:31 1:33 the U.S Federal Trade Commission in 17
1:33 1:36 states are filing an antitrust lawsuit
1:36 1:38 against Amazon the suit alleges the
1:38 1:40 company illegally inflates its prices
1:40 1:43 and has quote monopolistic control over
1:43 1:48 its competition
1:48 1:50 the New York City Ballet is celebrating
1:50 1:53 its 75th Anniversary how the role of
1:53 1:55 women has changed in one of the most
1:55 1:57 prestigious ballet companies in the
1:57 2:00 world I hope to find the balance so that
2:00 2:02 everybody has found the way to belong to
2:02 2:09 the world of ballet
2:09 2:11 good evening to our viewers in the west
2:11 2:13 and thank you for joining us on this
2:13 2:15 Tuesday night we begin with breaking
2:15 2:17 news a judge just ruling that Donald
2:17 2:20 Trump his sons Don Jr and Eric and the
2:20 2:22 entire Trump organization committed
2:22 2:24 extensive and persistent fraud over a
2:24 2:26 decade the ruling says the former
2:26 2:28 president inflated the value of his
2:28 2:31 assets by billions of dollars and then
2:31 2:32 lied about his net worth on financial
2:32 2:35 documents to Banks and insurance
2:35 2:37 companies this now leads to the
2:37 2:39 cancellation of the company's New York
2:39 2:41 business license which means the Trump
2:41 2:44 organization could lose control over
2:44 2:46 properties like Trump Tower in Midtown
2:46 2:48 Manhattan tonight's decision is amazing
2:48 2:50 major win for New York attorney general
2:50 2:53 Leticia James who is Seeking a fine of
2:53 2:56 250 million dollars and a permanent ban
2:56 2:58 on the Trump organization including
2:58 3:00 Trump himself from doing business in New
3:00 3:02 York state cbs's Scott McFarland is
3:02 3:04 going to start us off tonight good
3:04 3:06 evening Scott good evening Nora Donald
3:06 3:07 Trump launched his political career
3:07 3:10 saying he'd mastered the art of the deal
3:10 3:13 the judges ruled Trump inflated some of
3:13 3:17 his net worth and some of those deals
3:17 3:19 a judge has found Donald Trump engaged
3:19 3:22 in fraud over inflating the worth of his
3:22 3:24 real estate holdings and misleading
3:24 3:26 Banks and insurers the ruling comes days
3:26 3:28 before the Trump organization is to
3:28 3:30 stand trial in a civil case alleging
3:30 3:32 years of Fraud and misconduct brought by
3:32 3:34 New York attorney general Leticia James
3:34 3:37 last year claiming you have money that
3:37 3:39 you do not have
3:39 3:43 does not amount to the art of the deal
3:43 3:45 it's the art of the steel
3:45 3:47 in the ruling the judge found Trump and
3:47 3:48 top Executives at the Trump organization
3:48 3:51 lied about his assets in order to secure
3:51 3:53 favorable loans and lower insurance
3:53 3:55 premiums in one instance claiming his
3:55 3:57 ten thousand square foot apartment was
3:57 4:00 roughly thirty thousand square feet the
4:00 4:02 judge summarizing Trump's approach to
4:02 4:04 bookkeeping this is a fantasy world not
4:04 4:07 the real world the lawsuit from Attorney
4:07 4:09 General James seeks a quarter of a
4:09 4:10 billion dollars and there cannot be
4:10 4:12 different rules for different people in
4:12 4:16 this country or in this state
4:16 4:18 and former presidents are no different
4:18 4:20 when Trump was deposed in the case in
4:20 4:22 August of last year he pleaded the fifth
4:22 4:25 and then repeated it more than 400 times
4:25 4:27 is that correct same answer Trump has
4:27 4:30 repeatedly denied wrongdoing and lashed
4:30 4:32 out at James for bringing the suit this
4:32 4:34 raging Maniac campaigned for office
4:34 4:38 ranting and raving about her goal
4:38 4:40 to get Donald Trump we're going to get
4:40 4:41 him she knew nothing about me I never
4:41 4:42 heard of her
4:42 4:44 in a statement to CBS News a trump
4:44 4:46 spokesperson calls the ruling
4:46 4:48 fundamentally flawed the judges also
4:48 4:50 ordered sanctions of some of Trump's
4:50 4:52 attorneys Nora saying some of their
4:52 4:55 arguments were quote frivolous Scott
4:55 4:57 McFarland thank you let's turn now to
4:57 4:58 the breaking news with the capture
4:58 5:00 tonight of a fugitive wanted in the
5:00 5:02 fentanyl related death of a one-year-old
5:02 5:05 at a New York City daycare center cbs's
5:05 5:07 jerika Duncan reports the suspect was
5:07 5:10 taken into custody in Mexico by DEA
5:10 5:12 agents
5:12 5:14 the husband of the Bronx Daycare owner
5:14 5:16 was taken into custody on a bus in
5:16 5:19 Sinaloa Mexico after a Manhunt that
5:19 5:21 lasted more than a week prosecutors say
5:21 5:23 Felix Herrera Garcia was seen leaving
5:23 5:25 the daycare on surveillance video
5:25 5:28 carrying two shopping bags after being
5:28 5:30 tipped off by his wife gray Mendes that
5:30 5:32 police were on the way authorities say
5:32 5:35 she called Garcia before calling 9-1-1
5:35 5:38 to report four of the children in her
5:38 5:40 care were unresponsive all of that
5:40 5:42 happened while the children
5:42 5:44 the babies were suffering from the
5:44 5:46 effects of fentanyl poisoning and in
5:46 5:49 desperate need of help the funeral for
5:49 5:51 one-year-old Nicholas dominici was held
5:51 5:53 last week he and three other children
5:53 5:56 ages months to two years old were
5:56 5:58 poisoned by the deadly drug after coming
5:58 6:00 into contact with its residue at the
6:00 6:03 daycare center on September 15th we had
6:03 6:07 fentanyl in a daycare center police
6:07 6:10 later revealed that bags of suspected
6:10 6:12 drugs were found hidden under a secret
6:12 6:14 trap door under the floorboards of the
6:14 6:16 daycare center where the children played
6:16 6:19 and a kilo of fentanyl was found sitting
6:19 6:21 right on top of children's mats used for
6:21 6:23 napping they were running a drug
6:23 6:26 operation from a daycare center
6:26 6:28 a daycare center
6:28 6:29 a place where children should be kept
6:29 6:32 safe not surrounded by a drug that could
6:32 6:35 kill them in an instant
6:35 6:37 as horrifying as this story is it could
6:37 6:39 have been a lot worse The Source tells
6:39 6:42 CBS New York that those three children
6:42 6:44 who were hospitalized thankfully have
6:44 6:47 recovered Nora oh that is some good news
6:47 6:49 jerika Duncan thank you so much well
6:49 6:52 tonight the list of Democrats calling on
6:52 6:54 Senator Bob Menendez to resign is
6:54 6:56 growing fellow New Jersey senator Cory
6:56 6:58 Booker now among the more than 20
6:58 7:00 Democratic senators saying Menendez
7:00 7:03 needs to step aside Menendez is back on
7:03 7:05 Capitol Hill today but is set to appear
7:05 7:07 in court tomorrow on three counts of
7:07 7:09 federal bribery charges this afternoon
7:09 7:12 Menendez once again rejected calls to
7:12 7:15 resign claiming he is innocent
7:15 7:17 now to President Biden's historic trip
7:17 7:19 to Michigan to walk the picket line with
7:19 7:20 United Auto Workers in their strike
7:20 7:23 against Detroit's big three automakers
7:23 7:25 cbs's Robert Costa reports the president
7:25 7:27 stood in solidarity with union members
7:27 7:30 and told them to stick with it on day 12
7:30 7:32 of the walkout
7:32 7:35 wearing a union ball cap and armed with
7:35 7:37 a bullhorn President Biden told the
7:37 7:39 Striking United Auto Workers to keep
7:39 7:44 fighting for higher wages
7:44 7:46 [Applause]
7:46 7:49 so let's keep going you deserve what
7:49 7:50 you've earned and you've earned a hell
7:50 7:51 of a lot more than you're getting paid
7:51 7:53 now all right President Biden who
7:53 7:55 exchanged fist bumps with the workers
7:55 7:57 the historic visit to the picket line
7:57 8:00 was personal and political underscoring
8:00 8:03 a long career back in labor to have the
8:03 8:05 president of the United States walk a
8:05 8:06 picket line and supportive workers
8:06 8:09 that's huge the president is trying to
8:09 8:11 shore up his support among working
8:11 8:13 voters as he seeks reelection and to
8:13 8:15 reclaim a state he won by about 3
8:15 8:18 percent in 2020 after Trump's 2016
8:18 8:21 victory in the Battleground the UAW has
8:21 8:23 yet to endorse Mr Biden but Union
8:23 8:26 president Sean Fein cheered on his visit
8:26 8:30 today our president chose to stand up
8:30 8:32 with workers in our fight for economic
8:32 8:34 and social justice Biden's stop came
8:34 8:36 just one day ahead of former president
8:36 8:38 Trump's visit to Michigan on Wednesday
8:38 8:41 with the strike growing to 41 plans and
8:41 8:44 facilities in 21 states the back-to-back
8:44 8:46 visits are putting workers rights and
8:46 8:48 economic pain at the Forefront of the
8:48 8:51 2024 race is the labor vote up for grabs
8:51 8:53 I will say you have to earn it Trump is
8:53 8:55 skipping Wednesday's primary debating
8:55 8:57 California and we'll make a prime time
8:57 9:00 address to workers at a non-union
9:00 9:03 facility outside Detroit it's unclear if
9:03 9:04 you'll visit a picket line Trump's
9:04 9:06 coming Wednesday yeah you can go over to
9:06 9:09 Macomb County the Redneck Country you
9:09 9:11 don't want him here no I'm glad he's
9:11 9:13 coming it's going to show that he's
9:13 9:16 supporting the UAW in our College
9:16 9:19 advisors to former president Trump and
9:19 9:21 President Biden tell me that these
9:21 9:23 dueling appearances could be a preview
9:23 9:25 of what's to come in the 2024 campaign
9:25 9:28 many visits to Michigan and to battle
9:28 9:31 for the support of working voters Nora
9:31 9:34 Robert Costa thank you very much police
9:34 9:36 in Virginia say they stopped a potential
9:36 9:38 mass shooting at a church where a
9:38 9:39 thousand people were attending Sunday
9:39 9:42 service investigators say a 35-year-old
9:42 9:44 man was arrested at the park Valley
9:44 9:46 Church after someone flagged the threats
9:46 9:49 he posted on Instagram police say he was
9:49 9:51 sitting in the back row with a loaded
9:51 9:53 handgun an additional magazine and two
9:53 9:56 knives the Fairfax County Police Chief
9:56 9:59 says a kill Manifesto was found in his
9:59 10:00 home
10:00 10:02 now to the sweeping Anti-Trust case
10:02 10:04 against Amazon alleging it operates as
10:04 10:06 an illegal Monopoly a federal lawsuit
10:06 10:08 filed today accuses the e-commerce giant
10:08 10:11 of strong arming small businesses and
10:11 10:14 harming consumers cbs's Jolene Kent has
10:14 10:16 the details
10:16 10:19 the Federal Trade Commission is taking
10:19 10:20 major legal action against Amazon
10:20 10:24 calling it a monopoly power the agency
10:24 10:26 along with 17 State Attorneys General
10:26 10:28 filed a landmark lawsuit in Seattle
10:28 10:31 federal court today alleging the online
10:31 10:33 shopping giant exploits its monopolies
10:33 10:37 in ways that enrich Amazon but harm its
10:37 10:40 customers the FTC claims that Amazon's
10:40 10:42 stifles competition by charging sellers
10:42 10:45 like small businesses higher fees which
10:45 10:47 causes online Shoppers to face
10:47 10:49 artificially higher prices even when
10:49 10:52 shopping somewhere other than Amazon the
10:52 10:54 government also accuses the platform of
10:54 10:56 replacing search results on Amazon with
10:56 10:59 paid ads putting its own Brands over
10:59 11:02 higher quality competitors Amazon's top
11:02 11:04 lawyer responded saying the practices
11:04 11:07 the FTC is challenging have helped to
11:07 11:09 Spur competition and Innovation across
11:09 11:11 the retail industry and have produced
11:11 11:13 greater selection lower prices and
11:13 11:16 faster delivery speeds the lawsuit filed
11:16 11:18 by the FTC today is wrong on the facts
11:18 11:21 and the law if the FTC wins against
11:21 11:23 Amazon how will things change for
11:23 11:24 Shoppers you're going to see lower
11:24 11:27 prices not just lower prices but you're
11:27 11:28 actually going to have choices you might
11:28 11:31 see a lower price on one site than on a
11:31 11:32 different site instead of right now
11:32 11:35 where you see just you know Amazon
11:35 11:39 acting as this dominant Monopoly
11:39 11:42 when I asked the FTC declined to say
11:42 11:44 whether it wants to break up Amazon but
11:44 11:46 it is seeking structural relief which
11:46 11:47 could mean the company's selling off
11:47 11:50 some of its parts but for now there is
11:50 11:53 no court date set and Amazon says it is
11:53 11:56 ready to make its case in court Nora
11:56 11:58 fascinating story Jolene Kent thank you
11:58 11:59 so much
11:59 12:00 back here in Washington members of
12:00 12:02 Congress are scrambling to avoid a
12:02 12:05 government shutdown it appears to be an
12:05 12:07 uphill battle in the house with hard
12:07 12:09 right Republicans seeking to slash
12:09 12:11 spending at all costs CBS Nicole Killian
12:11 12:13 reports from Capitol Hill where time is
12:13 12:14 running out
12:14 12:17 can you guarantee that there will not be
12:17 12:20 a shutdown at the end of this week look
12:20 12:21 I have worked all my time to make sure
12:21 12:24 that there would not be a shutdown house
12:24 12:26 Speaker Kevin McCarthy is urging members
12:26 12:28 to back a package of long-term spending
12:28 12:30 bills to fund agencies from the defense
12:30 12:32 department to Homeland Security but with
12:32 12:35 a caveat to include legislation the
12:35 12:37 beefs up border security a demand pushed
12:37 12:39 by some conservatives why are you making
12:39 12:41 this such a sticking point to keeping
12:41 12:43 the government because it's so easy
12:43 12:44 because
12:44 12:46 the House and Senate didn't pass a new
12:46 12:48 bill if the president wants to shut the
12:48 12:50 government down because he thinks the
12:50 12:52 Border should continue to run like this
12:52 12:54 but the legislation is unlikely to pass
12:54 12:57 the Senate and avertis shut down there's
12:57 12:59 no reason for us to be in this position
12:59 13:01 in a new video President Biden warned of
13:01 13:04 the potential consequences including
13:04 13:06 service members who could go without pay
13:06 13:08 about eight hundred thousand federal
13:08 13:11 workers could also be furloughed Jessica
13:11 13:13 leboine is a single mom who works for
13:13 13:15 the Social Security Administration we're
13:15 13:17 just waiting and almost feeling
13:17 13:21 abandoned by Congress at this point as
13:21 13:23 we're still expected to work for the
13:23 13:25 American people without getting paid
13:25 13:27 tonight the Senate unveiled a new
13:27 13:29 bipartisan plan to fund the government
13:29 13:32 through mid-november it includes
13:32 13:34 disaster relief and Aid to Ukraine but
13:34 13:37 that could be a non-starter for some
13:37 13:38 House Republicans who oppose more
13:38 13:41 Ukraine funding Nora Nicole Killian on
13:41 13:43 the hill tonight thank you tonight the
13:43 13:45 state of Louisiana is facing a potential
13:45 13:48 Drinking Water Crisis persistent drought
13:48 13:49 conditions have lowered levels of the
13:49 13:52 Mississippi River allowing salt water to
13:52 13:54 creep in from the Gulf of Mexico where
13:54 13:55 it threatens to contaminate the
13:55 13:58 freshwater cbs's Omar via Francais is in
13:58 13:59 New Orleans where the city has declared
13:59 14:02 an emergency
14:02 14:04 this is pretty significant Heath Jones
14:04 14:06 is with the Army Corps of Engineers
14:06 14:08 they're in a race to fix a looming
14:08 14:11 threat Brewing underwater
14:11 14:13 extremely dry conditions over the past
14:13 14:16 few months have led to Historic low
14:16 14:18 levels on the Mississippi River allowing
14:18 14:21 dense salt water from the Gulf to creep
14:21 14:23 its way up river which could affect the
14:23 14:25 ability to treat and Supply drinking
14:25 14:28 water in New Orleans in July these boats
14:28 14:31 built a sill or an underwater Levee to
14:31 14:33 try and slow the salt water but last
14:33 14:36 week the sill was over topped now
14:36 14:39 Engineers are working to increase its
14:39 14:42 height by 30 feet we're about 20 miles
14:42 14:44 south of New Orleans and plaquemines
14:44 14:46 Parish and this is where the Army Corps
14:46 14:48 of Engineers is adding to their sill
14:48 14:50 they're taking silt from the bottom of
14:50 14:52 the Mississippi River and then stacking
14:52 14:55 it over here to form a higher barrier to
14:55 14:58 try to slow down the salt water if you
14:58 15:00 get this barrier higher up how much time
15:00 15:02 do you think that buys you 10 to 15 days
15:02 15:05 so far the dense salt water has moved
15:05 15:08 about 70 miles up River it's predicted
15:08 15:10 to hit Bell Chase in Southern New
15:10 15:12 Orleans by the middle of next month
15:12 15:15 Solutions include using barges to ship
15:15 15:17 millions of gallons of water to
15:17 15:19 treatment plants or tapping into other
15:19 15:22 Water Resources Upstream Donald link
15:22 15:24 co-owned several restaurants in The Big
15:24 15:27 Easy he's already acquiring about water
15:27 15:29 tanks we're not just going to sit here
15:29 15:31 and Hope was that hope is not a plan
15:31 15:33 we're gonna get ready for it and
15:33 15:37 hopefully that it never happens
15:37 15:39 the underwater battle is having Ripple
15:39 15:41 effects on boat traffic parts of the
15:41 15:42 Mississippi River behind me will go down
15:42 15:44 to one lane for big boats and that's
15:44 15:46 going to slow down the shipment of
15:46 15:48 important goods like grains and soybean
15:48 15:52 but it's only temporary Nora I'm Marvia
15:52 15:54 Franca thank you so much
15:54 15:55 and there's breaking news tonight police
15:55 15:58 reveal a possible suspect in the murder
15:58 16:01 of a young Tech CEO in Baltimore we've
16:01 16:05 got the details next
16:05 16:07 breaking news tonight police in
16:07 16:09 Baltimore just released a photo of the
16:09 16:10 man they're looking for in connection
16:10 16:13 with the death of a 26 year old Tech CEO
16:13 16:16 investigators say the body of pava Le
16:16 16:17 pair was found in her apartment on
16:17 16:19 Monday and that she appeared to have
16:19 16:21 suffered blunt force trauma earlier this
16:21 16:23 year she made the prestigious Forbes 30
16:23 16:26 under 30 list for social impact late
16:26 16:27 today police issued an arrest warrant
16:27 16:30 for this man Jason Billingsley who was
16:30 16:33 convicted of attempted rape in 2011 and
16:33 16:35 is considered armed and dangerous
16:35 16:37 Target announced today that it's closing
16:37 16:40 nine stores in major cities next month
16:40 16:42 because of theft and organized retail
16:42 16:44 crime the company says the wave of
16:44 16:46 shoplifting is threatening the safety of
16:46 16:49 its workers and Shoppers stores are
16:49 16:51 closing in New York City Seattle San
16:51 16:54 Francisco's Bay Area and Portland Oregon
16:54 16:57 there's news tonight about a historic
16:57 16:59 Academy Award that went missing for
16:59 17:05 decades well that's straight ahead
17:05 17:07 there's big Oscar news tonight Hattie
17:07 17:10 McDaniel's long-lost Academy Award is
17:10 17:12 finally being replaced this weekend in a
17:12 17:14 special ceremony McDaniel was the first
17:14 17:17 African-American to win an Oscar for her
17:17 17:20 supporting role in the 1939s Gone With
17:20 17:22 the Wind when she died in 1952 her
17:22 17:24 historic award was donated to Howard
17:24 17:26 University where it was displayed until
17:26 17:29 it disappeared in the late 1960s this
17:29 17:31 Sunday Howard University will receive an
17:31 17:33 official replacement Oscar in a ceremony
17:33 17:36 called hatties come home
17:36 17:39 the New York City Ballet is still on its
17:39 17:41 toes after 75 years and counting that's
17:41 17:43 next
17:43 17:46 if you can't watch the CBS Evening News
17:46 17:48 you can listen subscribe wherever you
17:48 17:52 get your podcasts
17:52 17:54 finally tonight one of the best known
17:54 17:56 dance companies in the world is taking a
17:56 17:58 bow with a celebration of a major
17:58 18:00 Milestone cbs's Nancy Chen shows us
18:00 18:03 what's old is new again at the New York
18:03 18:06 City Ballet
18:06 18:09 a joyful Moment On Stage 75 years of
18:09 18:12 Excellence included dancers from the
18:12 18:14 very start look how much the seats were
18:14 18:17 three dollars Ruth Lawrence doe ring was
18:17 18:19 16 when she started the New York City
18:19 18:23 ballet's first performance in 1948 and
18:23 18:26 her shoe broke mid-show The Show Must Go
18:26 18:28 On I mean what I'm gonna say excuse me
18:28 18:32 please I have to go off stage and fix my
18:32 18:34 shoe yeah no you do what you have to do
18:34 18:37 what was the audience reaction on
18:37 18:39 opening night the applause was
18:39 18:41 thunderous the performance was born out
18:41 18:43 of the creative genius of renowned
18:43 18:46 choreographer and Company co-founder
18:46 18:48 George Balanchine
18:48 18:50 and then just get the arm moving the
18:50 18:53 ballet's first female associate artistic
18:53 18:55 director Wendy Whalen a former principal
18:55 18:58 dancer now helps decide what's performed
18:58 19:00 Balanchine would commission female
19:00 19:02 choreographers always a little bit now
19:02 19:04 we have a full-on commitment to it but
19:04 19:07 especially to diverse women
19:07 19:10 that's very very important to me
19:10 19:12 the company today is one of the world's
19:12 19:15 most prestigious nobody knew it was
19:15 19:18 going to be this great company it's
19:18 19:22 wonderful a celebration 75 years in the
19:22 19:27 making Nancy Chen CBS News New York
19:27 19:29 and that is tonight's CBS Evening News
19:29 19:32 I'm Nora O'Donnell good night
19:32 19:32 [Music]