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nbc nn 230930 nbc nightly news ; House passes 45-day spending bill to avoid government shutdown; bill now in the Senate; House Speaker McCarthy braces for response from members of his party after spending bill passes; New York City recovering after reco..

by peach1227 2023. 10. 1.
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0:00 0:02 tonight with just hours to spare and the
0:02 0:04 livelihood of Millions on the line
0:04 0:06 Congress on track to avoid a government
0:06 0:09 shutdown the last minute Hail Mary from
0:09 0:11 Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy
0:11 0:13 convincing Democrats to support a
0:13 0:16 short-term fix the Mad Dash to read and
0:16 0:18 vote on the bill will Hardline
0:18 0:21 Republicans now try to topple McCarthy
0:21 0:23 if I have to risk my job for standing up
0:23 0:26 for the American public I will do that
0:26 0:28 and this bizarre moment a democratic
0:28 0:30 Congressman pulling the fire alarm what
0:30 0:34 he says happened new videos of the Epic
0:34 0:36 flooding in New York City residents
0:36 0:38 returning to their swamped homes and the
0:38 0:41 wild story of this sea lion escaping
0:41 0:44 from the Central Park Zoo the deadline
0:44 0:46 tonight to head off the biggest health
0:46 0:48 care strike ever would it means for
0:48 0:51 patients from coast to coast more than
0:51 0:53 40 million Americans have to resume
0:53 0:55 repaying their student loans starting
0:55 0:58 tomorrow what you need to know and are
0:58 1:00 these roundabouts the secret to ending
1:00 1:02 traffic gridlock why more and more
1:02 1:06 cities have commuters driving in
1:06 1:10 circles this is NBC Nightly News with
1:10 1:12 Jose Diaz
1:12 1:14 Bard good evening going into this
1:14 1:16 weekend the federal government was fully
1:16 1:18 prepared to shut down at midnight
1:18 1:21 tonight millions of workers were bracing
1:21 1:23 for weeks or months without pay
1:23 1:26 including our entire military but today
1:26 1:28 Kevin McCarthy made a choice after weeks
1:28 1:30 of trying to appease the hardliners in
1:30 1:33 his party this morning he put forward a
1:33 1:35 short-term fix that didn't require their
1:35 1:38 support instead he turned to Democrats
1:38 1:41 to vote for it the bill is passed and
1:41 1:42 with that objection the motion to
1:42 1:45 reconsider is laid on the
1:45 1:47 table that choice may keep the
1:47 1:49 government open but it may cost him his
1:49 1:52 job but just moments ago we learned that
1:52 1:54 a Democratic senator may now be holding
1:54 1:57 up the bill if it does pass this bill
1:57 2:00 will stop the ticking clock to midnight
2:00 2:03 but it starts a new clock 45 days now to
2:03 2:05 strike a deal so that we don't go
2:05 2:07 through this whole exercise again in
2:07 2:09 November we have two reports tonight
2:09 2:13 beginning with Ryan Nobles on Capitol
2:13 2:16 Hill Against All Odds Congress found a
2:16 2:19 way to avoid a government shutdown the
2:19 2:20 bill is passed and with that objection
2:20 2:23 the motion to reconsider is laid on the
2:23 2:25 table at the 11th Hour speaker Kevin
2:25 2:27 McCarthy calling in Audible and defying
2:27 2:29 his conservative Rebels by putting a
2:29 2:32 45-day spending bill on the floor it is
2:32 2:35 very clear that I tried every possible
2:35 2:37 way listening to every single person in
2:37 2:39 the conference the short-term deal does
2:39 2:41 not include spending cuts or new
2:41 2:42 policies to deal with the Border crisis
2:42 2:45 sought by conservatives The Proposal
2:45 2:47 caught Democrats off guard But
2:47 2:49 ultimately they greenlit the plan by an
2:49 2:51 overwhelming majority the American
2:51 2:53 people have
2:53 2:58 won the extreme magga Republicans have
2:58 3:01 lost it was a Vic victory for the
3:01 3:03 American people McCarthy initially
3:03 3:05 sought to pass a bill exclusively with
3:05 3:08 Republican votes but was bailed out by
3:08 3:10 democrats as today's measure passed with
3:10 3:12 more democratic votes than Republican he
3:12 3:14 needed to work with Democrats to get it
3:14 3:15 because he's got you know a bunch of
3:15 3:17 members of the chaos caucus that are
3:17 3:18 never going to vote for anything the
3:18 3:20 White House today calling the deal on
3:20 3:22 the hill a big victory but the last
3:22 3:24 minute passage was not without drama
3:24 3:26 Congressman Jamal Bowman admitted to
3:26 3:28 pulling a fire alarm in a house office
3:28 3:31 building Bowman said it was by accident
3:31 3:33 Republicans accusing him of doing it on
3:33 3:35 purpose to delay the vote you know I
3:35 3:36 think ethics should look at this but
3:36 3:38 this is serious but while the crisis was
3:38 3:41 averted today the real work still needs
3:41 3:43 to be done we won't be back here in the
3:43 3:46 same place in 45 days look we're going
3:46 3:49 to we are going to focus come Monday on
3:49 3:51 uh completing the Appropriations uh
3:51 3:54 bills but there's a lot of work to
3:54 3:57 do and Ryan Nobles joins us now from
3:57 3:58 Capitol Hill Ryan we're just learning
3:58 4:01 that the bill May be held up in the
4:01 4:03 Senate yeah that's right Jose even one
4:03 4:05 Senator can hold up this process and
4:05 4:07 we've learned that Colorado's Democratic
4:07 4:08 senator Michael Bennett is putting a
4:08 4:10 hold on the legislation because he's
4:10 4:12 concerned that it lacks funding for
4:12 4:15 Ukraine if Bennett doesn't release that
4:15 4:17 hold and it goes beyond midnight the
4:17 4:19 government would shut down he is now
4:19 4:20 trying to be persuaded by his colleagues
4:20 4:22 to lift that hold so that the government
4:22 4:26 shutdown can be averted Jose Ryan nobl
4:26 4:27 in Washington thank you that critical
4:27 4:29 house vote could come at a May major
4:29 4:32 cause for house Speaker Kevin McCarthy
4:32 4:33 Hardline Republicans were already
4:33 4:36 threatening to try to take the speaker's
4:36 4:38 gavel from him even before he got
4:38 4:41 Democrats to help pass the Bill oliv
4:41 4:42 Itali has
4:42 4:44 more we got to understand why we are
4:44 4:46 here tonight house Speaker Kevin
4:46 4:49 McCarthy defiant if somebody wants to
4:49 4:53 make a motion against me bring
4:53 4:56 it there has to be an adult in the room
4:56 4:59 2/3 being in the affirmative the rules
4:59 5:01 are are suspended having dispensed with
5:01 5:03 the business of keeping the government
5:03 5:05 open McCarthy now bracing for the
5:05 5:07 possibility of his own members coming
5:07 5:09 for his job all because he worked with
5:09 5:12 Democrats to avoid a shutdown when are
5:12 5:14 you guys going to get over that it's all
5:14 5:16 right that you put America first that's
5:16 5:18 all right if Republican and Democrats
5:18 5:20 join together to do what is right that's
5:20 5:22 exactly what some Hardline Republicans
5:22 5:25 warned him about if Democrats bail out
5:25 5:28 McCarthy as they may do then I will lead
5:28 5:30 the resistance
5:30 5:32 to this uni party McCarthy's hold on
5:32 5:35 power is tenuous just one member of the
5:35 5:37 House can introduce a motion to vacate
5:37 5:38 triggering a vote that could oust the
5:38 5:41 speaker the result of McCarthy's own
5:41 5:44 negotiations to get the job in the first
5:44 5:46 place the California Congressman earning
5:46 5:48 the speaker's gavel after a historic 15
5:48 5:52 rounds of ballad in back in
5:52 5:55 January conceding power to the far right
5:55 5:58 of his party that was easy
5:58 6:01 huh now a waiting game for if threats
6:01 6:04 turn to action is anyone talking about a
6:04 6:06 motion to vacate yeah everybody's
6:06 6:08 talking about it but is it going to
6:08 6:11 happen I I'd say it'll be filed at some
6:11 6:14 point would you vote to house the
6:14 6:16 speaker that isn't what we're talking
6:16 6:18 about right now that's a conversation
6:18 6:19 that I'm not even willing to have right
6:19 6:20 now well that'll be something I'll chat
6:20 6:22 with my colleagues
6:22 6:25 about alal joins me now Ali how quickly
6:25 6:27 could we see a move on
6:27 6:29 McCarthy well look a small faction of
6:29 6:31 Republicans might be mad enough to make
6:31 6:33 a motion to vacate but they can't
6:33 6:35 replace McCarthy with nobody and as of
6:35 6:38 right now Jose there's no consensus
6:38 6:40 choice on who could replace
6:40 6:43 him Ali Vali on Capitol Hill for us
6:43 6:44 tonight thank you tonight we're getting
6:44 6:47 an astonishing look at new video from
6:47 6:49 that historic storm that paralyzed parts
6:49 6:51 of New York City yesterday the flooding
6:51 6:53 blindsided millions and raises new
6:53 6:55 questions about the impact of climate
6:55 6:58 change on our infrastructure here's
6:58 7:00 George sois
7:00 7:02 tonight New York City is recovering from
7:02 7:09 Friday's record setting
7:09 7:11 rainfall City officials say more than
7:11 7:15 two dozen water rescues took place
7:15 7:17 yesterday rainfall totals nearly
7:17 7:20 reaching double digits JFK Airport
7:20 7:23 recording its wetest day since
7:23 7:26 1948 a staggering more than 7 in fell in
7:26 7:27 Park Slope in
7:27 7:30 Brooklyn Bar and Restaurant owner Kelly
7:30 7:32 Hayes in a small army of volunteers
7:32 7:33 throwing out thousands of dollars of
7:33 7:34 destroyed
7:34 7:36 merchandise this is not going to stop
7:36 7:38 happening I mean the city could do a
7:38 7:40 little more the infrastructure and the
7:40 7:41 storm drains
7:41 7:43 but yeah it's climate
7:43 7:46 change outside the bar the road looked
7:46 7:48 like a river as a Whirlpool formed near
7:48 7:50 a drain it was a dramatic scene but
7:50 7:52 possibly something that could become
7:52 7:54 more common unless cities take action I
7:54 7:56 think we have a lot of work to do it
7:56 7:58 means investing in response protocols
7:58 8:00 that notify people who might be
8:00 8:01 particularly at risk people who live in
8:01 8:03 basement apartments uh it means
8:03 8:05 investing in drainage infrastructure the
8:05 8:09 personal stuff is all lost it's garbage
8:09 8:11 John and his wife Amy's basement and
8:11 8:13 queens submerged in nearly 4 feet of
8:13 8:16 water I've been to war I've been to the
8:16 8:19 World Trade Center on 911 I've been to
8:19 8:21 Katrina I've seen all kinds of garbage
8:21 8:24 in my life and but this has got to be
8:24 8:28 one of the worst just two years ago in
8:28 8:30 this very Dame basement a couple and
8:30 8:32 their child lost their lives during
8:32 8:35 catastrophic flooding during Hurricane
8:35 8:37 Ida tonight the damage is still being
8:37 8:39 tallied but for one New Yorker life has
8:39 8:41 returned to normal this female sea line
8:41 8:43 at the Central Park Zoo who was able to
8:43 8:47 swim out of her enclosure now back home
8:47 8:49 tonight and George Jones us from uh
8:49 8:51 Brooklyn a hospital there where George
8:51 8:54 all that rain knocked out the electrical
8:54 8:56 system that's right but officials here
8:56 8:58 Jose say that there was no interruption
8:58 9:00 to Healthcare and there were no injuries
9:00 9:02 and at this hour patients are still
9:02 9:03 being moved from this hospital to others
9:03 9:05 so repairs here at the hospital can take
9:05 9:09 place Jose George Solis in New York
9:09 9:12 thank you about one out of every eight
9:12 9:15 Americans owes money on student loans
9:15 9:17 and after a pause during the pandemic
9:17 9:19 starting tomorrow those bills are due
9:19 9:22 again Priscilla Thompson reports on the
9:22 9:25 people struggling to pay and the scams
9:25 9:27 you should be watching out for Jennifer
9:27 9:29 Hernandez doesn't know where she'll find
9:29 9:31 an additional
9:31 9:34 $650 a month to pay her student loans
9:34 9:36 it's frustrating I do intend to pay my
9:36 9:38 student loans is just that the amount
9:38 9:41 was so high I can't afford that the
9:41 9:43 35-year-old middle school counselor in
9:43 9:44 the Bronx is on an income-driven
9:44 9:46 repayment plan with
9:46 9:49 $91,000 in loans everything that's
9:49 9:51 coming in is either going towards bills
9:51 9:54 Hernandez is one of the more than 43
9:54 9:55 million student loan holders whose
9:55 9:58 payments are now due after President
9:58 9:59 Biden's student debt camp cancellation
9:59 10:01 plan was struck down by the Supreme
10:01 10:05 Court in June 25-year-old Ki Karan Nikos
10:05 10:07 has taken to Tik Tok to stay motivated
10:07 10:10 with a sixf figure student debt and an
10:10 10:13 $1,100 monthly payment I'm lucky in the
10:13 10:14 sense that I can live with my parents
10:14 10:17 and I don't have to consider if I'm
10:17 10:19 going to pay for groceries this month or
10:19 10:21 pay for the student loans if you're
10:21 10:23 worried about making payments experts
10:23 10:25 say check with your loan serer to see
10:25 10:28 how much you owe and when it's due
10:28 10:30 consider an income driven repayment plan
10:30 10:33 and beware of scams promising immediate
10:33 10:36 loan forgiveness in exchange for a fee
10:36 10:38 30-year-old Bradley alagna in
10:38 10:40 Connecticut owes
10:40 10:43 $147,000 he's having second thoughts
10:43 10:45 about getting a loan in the first place
10:45 10:49 being so young and in so much debt for
10:49 10:51 doing something that I thought was going
10:51 10:53 to better my life it has absolutely been
10:53 10:57 the biggest regret of my life a reality
10:57 10:59 that he and millions of others will once
10:59 11:02 again Face Tomorrow Priscilla Thompson
11:02 11:05 NBC news we are just hours away from a
11:05 11:07 deadline that could lead to a massive
11:07 11:08 strike impacting health care for
11:08 11:11 Millions across the country Kaiser
11:11 11:13 Permanente workers could walk out this
11:13 11:15 week if there's no deal by midnight
11:15 11:19 Pacific tonight LZ CS now on what's at
11:19 11:22 stake in this season of Labor strikes
11:22 11:25 are future with the United Auto Workers
11:25 11:27 taking on GM Ford and
11:27 11:30 santis Union
11:30 11:33 power power and the Actor Guild
11:33 11:36 continuing to pick at Hollywood
11:36 11:40 Studios tricks will not
11:40 11:43 divide preparations are underway now for
11:43 11:45 what could be the biggest healthcare
11:45 11:47 worker strike in US history if no deal
11:47 11:50 can be reached by late tonight our
11:50 11:52 Coalition is one-third of Kaiser's
11:52 11:56 Workforce so it will have a huge impact
11:56 11:59 75,000 healthcare workers at Kaiser per
11:59 12:01 nente are poised for a 3-day strike
12:01 12:03 beginning Wednesday targeting hundreds
12:03 12:06 of facilities across California Colorado
12:06 12:08 Oregon Washington Virginia and
12:08 12:11 Washington DC workers protesting what
12:11 12:13 they say is Kaiser's short staffing
12:13 12:15 crisis that puts patients at risk from
12:15 12:18 long wait times for Care at the union
12:18 12:19 office here in Los Angeles members
12:19 12:21 preparing for this strike tell us they
12:21 12:23 have been pushed to the brink from the
12:23 12:25 coid pandemic and that their pay has not
12:25 12:28 kept up with inflation or their workload
12:28 12:30 I see where workers that are doing the
12:30 12:32 jobs of two to three people so we're
12:32 12:34 running around we're stressed we're busy
12:34 12:37 we're exhausted Kaiser Permanente which
12:37 12:39 has 39 hospitals and more than 620
12:39 12:42 medical facilities Nationwide says it's
12:42 12:44 hired more than 50,000 Frontline workers
12:44 12:46 in the last two years despite labor
12:46 12:49 shortages and that it's quote optimistic
12:49 12:50 that we'll reach an agreement and avoid
12:50 12:52 this unnecessary
12:52 12:55 strike but the workers set to walk the
12:55 12:57 picket line which includes some nurses
12:57 12:59 lab technicians Pharmacists and
12:59 13:01 therapists say Kaiser Executives have
13:01 13:04 been refusing to bargain in good faith
13:04 13:05 Li if the strike does go forward just
13:05 13:09 how big could the impact be to
13:09 13:11 patients well Jose for some perspective
13:11 13:14 just here in California Kaiser has 9.4
13:14 13:17 million patients it's also the largest
13:17 13:19 private employer in the state so even
13:19 13:21 just a limited three-day strike could
13:21 13:25 have massive implications Jose Liz CS in
13:25 13:27 Los Angeles thank you still ah had the
13:27 13:30 rise of roundabouts why more cities are
13:30 13:32 adding those traffic circles the
13:32 13:34 question is do they really help cut time
13:34 13:38 off your
13:38 13:40 commute now to a possible solution to a
13:40 13:43 traffic gridlock but it's one many
13:43 13:46 Americans don't love roundabouts now
13:46 13:48 more cities are looking to replace their
13:48 13:50 stoplight intersections with traffic
13:50 13:52 circles but do they really make commutes
13:52 13:55 faster and safer Maris saara visits the
13:55 13:57 roundabout capital of the South to find
13:57 13:59 out
13:59 14:01 some call this a traffic
14:01 14:05 circle maybe you know it is a rotary oh
14:05 14:07 my God you really do love roundabout I
14:07 14:08 love a
14:08 14:10 roundabout no matter what you call them
14:10 14:12 in Oxford Mississippi you can't miss
14:12 14:14 them you're never too far away from the
14:14 14:16 next never too far from the next
14:16 14:19 roundabout and that's just the way she
14:19 14:21 likes it mayor Robin tanah Hill took us
14:21 14:23 driving in circles in what she calls the
14:23 14:26 roundabout capital of the South I hear
14:26 14:28 you have a nickname I do have a nickname
14:28 14:31 name roundabout Robin in Europe
14:31 14:33 roundabouts are everywhere here in the
14:33 14:35 US they're not that common but they are
14:35 14:36 on the
14:36 14:39 rise this college town in Mississippi
14:39 14:42 has built 21 new traffic circles in 6
14:42 14:45 years this is one of 34 roundabouts in
14:45 14:47 the area but the city of Oxford is not
14:47 14:50 the only city going all in on
14:50 14:52 roundabouts Bend Oregon has almost 50
14:52 14:55 Lincoln Nebraska has more than 75 and
14:55 15:01 Carmel Indiana has around 140
15:01 15:03 studies show roundabouts drive down
15:03 15:06 Serious injury and fatal crash rates by
15:06 15:10 90% drivers are forced to slow down and
15:10 15:12 there are fewer conflict points for
15:12 15:16 vehicles saving lives and maybe Saving
15:16 15:20 Time Marvin King has a front row seat
15:20 15:22 how much of a difference has it made in
15:22 15:24 your daily life oh right here this would
15:24 15:27 have taken forever because it would have
15:27 15:29 been a slow stop
15:29 15:31 bye Franny have a great day dropping off
15:31 15:33 his kids at school the Oxford father
15:33 15:35 lives what studies also show those
15:35 15:37 circles are cutting his commute
15:37 15:39 throughout the course of a week you know
15:39 15:41 I'm probably saving 30 or 40 minutes but
15:41 15:44 with growth comes Growing
15:44 15:46 Pains a new roundabout near Orlando
15:46 15:48 Florida opened a second lane last summer
15:48 15:52 and saw 131 crashes since officials
15:52 15:53 there say as more drivers have gotten
15:53 15:56 used to it the numbers have gone
15:56 15:58 down and even in the so-called round
15:58 16:00 about about capital of the South usually
16:00 16:02 I yell at them in my car thinking that
16:02 16:05 they can hear me not everyone is along
16:05 16:06 for the
16:06 16:10 ride do not like them one bit I hate
16:10 16:12 them like them or not they're here to
16:12 16:15 stay with more on the way I have gotten
16:15 16:17 calls from other Mayors you know saying
16:17 16:19 okay we're thinking about a roundabout
16:19 16:21 and this mayor hopes her corner of the
16:21 16:24 South a roundabout is a great solution
16:24 16:26 in Oxford Mississippi can be a road map
16:26 16:30 to the Future where sapara NBC News
16:30 16:31 Oxford
16:31 16:33 Mississippi when we come back there's
16:33 16:35 good news tonight the women breaking
16:35 16:37 into the boys club and how they're
16:37 16:42 changing car culture is
16:42 16:45 love there's good news tonight about
16:45 16:48 women driving change and as we celebrate
16:48 16:50 Hispanic Heritage Month we meet the
16:50 16:53 Latinas putting a new Twist on a decades
16:53 16:54 old
16:54 16:57 tradition in Northern California a group
16:57 17:01 of women is lead leading a new
17:01 17:07 generation cruising together in
17:07 17:10 style fueled by a passion for their
17:10 17:13 beloved low
17:13 17:17 riders and their Latino culture it's a
17:17 17:19 fun culture uh we enjoy
17:19 17:22 it classic cars with candy colored
17:22 17:26 paint tricked out to defy gravity that's
17:26 17:28 what I'm talking about we working out
17:28 17:29 here
17:29 17:32 but this car club culture also carries a
17:32 17:34 much deeper meaning it was born out west
17:34 17:36 more than 70 years ago as a way for
17:36 17:41 mexican-americans to connect with their
17:41 17:44 community and now a major shift in this
17:44 17:46 mostly male tradition Latinas like
17:46 17:49 Debbie Martin and Anna Abad from the
17:49 17:51 lady low riders United are part of a
17:51 17:53 growing group of women using their own
17:53 17:57 cars to drive change something that was
17:57 18:00 all guys is now totally different yes oh
18:00 18:05 yeah now it's it's grandmothers
18:05 18:08 grandkids nieces nephews cousins it's
18:08 18:10 really nice to see because it is you can
18:10 18:13 see it's generational it's a family
18:13 18:16 thing now behind the wheel the group is
18:16 18:19 uniting to empower other women showing
18:19 18:21 off their rides and raising tens of
18:21 18:23 thousands of dollars for various causes
18:23 18:25 close to their hearts how do you give
18:25 18:27 back to the community I think that's the
18:27 18:30 most important thing that we do um I
18:30 18:33 think most of us have come from families
18:33 18:35 that needed help when we were young and
18:35 18:38 we were on the receiving end so now it's
18:38 18:41 our time to give back Rosie Navarro
18:41 18:44 brings daughter LTE to each event in her
18:44 18:47 61 impal I believe that the culture
18:47 18:51 behind it comes with a passion with
18:51 18:55 unity with fam with bringing people
18:55 18:58 together setting a new example for a new
18:58 19:01 era of Lady low riders we're very proud
19:01 19:03 to be Mexican ameran because I'm proud
19:03 19:07 of who I am what we represent I'm I'm
19:07 19:09 proud of our
19:09 19:11 culture and the lady low riders are
19:11 19:13 gearing up for their annual Thanksgiving
19:13 19:17 event to feed families in need that's
19:17 19:19 NBC Nightly News for this Saturday stay
19:19 19:21 right there Big 10 football is next
19:21 19:24 Michigan State versus Iowa I'm Jose Diaz
19:24 19:26 Bard thank you for the privilege of your
19:26 19:33 time good night
19:33 19:35 thanks for watching stay updated about
19:35 19:38 breaking news and top stories on the NBC
19:38 19:38 News app or follow us on social media