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nbc nn 231004 nbc nightly news ; Scalise and Jordan jump into House Speaker race; Thousands of Kaiser Permanente workers go on strike, demanding more pay and staff; 5 people injured in mass shooting at Morgan State University; and more on tonight’s b..

by peach1227 2023. 10. 5.
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0:00 0:02 tonight the battle to become the next
0:02 0:04 house Speaker after Kevin McCarthy is
0:04 0:06 ousted in a historic vote the house
0:06 0:08 paralyzed a day after McCarthy was
0:08 0:11 removed in a vote forced by his fellow
0:11 0:13 Republicans the first Challengers
0:13 0:15 announcing their bids to succeed him can
0:15 0:17 any of them get the votes they need in a
0:17 0:20 deeply divided party and some of the GOP
0:20 0:23 floating another name Donald Trump what
0:23 0:24 he said about the possibility before
0:24 0:27 walking out of his New York fraud trial
0:27 0:29 also tonight the largest health care
0:29 0:32 strike in U.S history more than 75 000
0:32 0:35 Kaiser Permanente workers walking off
0:35 0:37 the job how it could affect your medical
0:37 0:38 care
0:38 0:40 the mass shooting at Baltimore's Morgan
0:40 0:42 State University five wounded the
0:42 0:45 suspect or suspects still at large
0:45 0:47 severe storms on the Move in the South
0:47 0:50 and tracking tropical storm Philly could
0:50 0:52 it hit the East Coast the plane falling
0:52 0:55 out of the sky crashing into a home in
0:55 0:57 Oregon to kill what we're learning
0:57 1:00 opening statements in the trial of Sam
1:00 1:02 bankman free the one-time crypto King
1:02 1:05 now accused of billions in fraud the
1:05 1:07 suspect arrested in the 1996 killing of
1:07 1:10 Tupac Shakur in court for the first time
1:10 1:14 the New Evidence shown to the grand jury
1:14 1:17 this is NBC Nightly News with Lester
1:17 1:18 Holt
1:18 1:20 good evening and welcome if you've been
1:20 1:21 wondering who would want to become
1:21 1:24 speaker of a house after Kevin McCarthy
1:24 1:26 was unceremoniously shoved aside
1:26 1:28 yesterday with a push from members of
1:28 1:31 his own party the answer has come
1:31 1:33 quickly two Republicans officially
1:33 1:35 stepping forward today saying they will
1:35 1:37 compete for the speaker's gavel setting
1:37 1:39 off a scramble to gather support and
1:39 1:41 votes from within a splintered
1:41 1:44 Republican caucus that's governing with
1:44 1:46 a slim majority uncertainty over the
1:46 1:48 next speaker rendering Congress
1:48 1:51 paralyzed tonight at a critical moment a
1:51 1:52 new threat of a government shutdown
1:52 1:55 Looms on the not too distant Horizon a
1:55 1:58 vote on a successor to McCarthy is at
1:58 2:00 least a week away and there are concerns
2:00 2:02 tonight over the real world impact if
2:02 2:05 the process goes longer than that we
2:05 2:07 start tonight with Ryan Nobles
2:07 2:09 tonight the Republicans scrambled to
2:09 2:12 find a speaker with the house now at a
2:12 2:14 standstill I think the view from the
2:14 2:16 outside is that the house is paralyzed
2:16 2:18 that's a that's a good discussion the
2:18 2:20 house is largely paralyzed the house
2:20 2:21 won't return to vote on a new leader
2:21 2:24 until next week already jumping into the
2:24 2:26 race current number two Republican Steve
2:26 2:28 scalise this is really important that we
2:28 2:30 get this right and conservative
2:30 2:35 Firebrand Jim Jordan
2:35 2:37 overnight former president Trump posting
2:37 2:39 why is it that Republicans are always
2:39 2:41 fighting among themselves why aren't
2:41 2:43 they fighting the radical left Democrats
2:43 2:47 now some lawmakers floating his name for
2:47 2:49 the job too A lot of people have been
2:49 2:51 calling me a bad speaker I'll do
2:51 2:54 whatever it is to help but my focus my
2:54 2:56 total focus is being president until
2:56 2:59 there's a speaker critical work is left
2:59 3:02 to languish including another potential
3:02 3:05 shutdown Showdown just 44 days away and
3:05 3:07 tonight President Biden concerned about
3:07 3:09 funding for Ukraine speaking to NBC's
3:09 3:12 Peter Alexander it does worry me and but
3:12 3:14 I know there are a majority of members
3:14 3:17 of the House and Senate in both parties
3:17 3:21 who have said that they support funding
3:21 3:22 Ukraine
3:22 3:24 all of it after that historic move
3:24 3:25 yesterday
3:25 3:27 Republican hardliners joining with every
3:27 3:29 Democrat to remove speaker Kevin
3:29 3:31 McCarthy that handful of Republican
3:31 3:34 holdouts upset after McCarthy worked
3:34 3:35 with Democrats to avoid a government
3:35 3:38 shutdown and empowered by a new rule
3:38 3:40 allowing just one lawmaker to call a
3:40 3:42 vote to remove the speaker I don't
3:42 3:43 regret standing up for choosing
3:43 3:45 government
3:45 3:47 over grievance those conservative
3:47 3:49 hardliners are not backing away I just
3:49 3:51 want someone who's going to keep their
3:51 3:52 word to us and everyone that they do
3:52 3:55 deals with and GOP moderates are
3:55 3:57 pleading to change the process I think
3:57 4:00 no speaker should ever have a proverbial
4:00 4:03 gun to their head uh at the threat and
4:03 4:06 the whim of one or in this case eight
4:06 4:08 members right now Republican resentment
4:08 4:10 running High against those conservative
4:10 4:12 Rebels I think if we hung around here
4:12 4:14 right now you would probably see some
4:14 4:16 folks breaking out in a fist fight and
4:16 4:18 I'd love to tell you I'm kidding but and
4:18 4:20 Ryan we should remind folks it took
4:20 4:22 speaker McCarthy 15 rounds of voting to
4:22 4:25 get the job last time and we won't see a
4:25 4:28 new vote for speaker until next week
4:28 4:29 yeah that's right Lester House
4:29 4:31 Republicans will gather on Tuesday for
4:31 4:34 an internal competition for the job but
4:34 4:36 the earliest that we'd see a vote on the
4:36 4:38 house floor would be Wednesday and only
4:38 4:40 that happens after there is a candidate
4:40 4:43 who secured enough votes to become the
4:43 4:45 next Speaker of the House lesser Ryan
4:45 4:46 Nobles thank you let me bring in senior
4:46 4:48 Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson
4:48 4:50 now and Hallie even when a new speaker
4:50 4:52 is chosen we're still going to see this
4:52 4:53 divide between the majority of
4:53 4:55 Republicans in this small group of
4:55 4:58 holdouts yeah we sure are Lester that
4:58 4:59 division that you're talking about
4:59 5:01 that's the reality for the next Speaker
5:01 5:03 of the House there especially if they
5:03 5:05 keep this rule that lets just one member
5:05 5:07 call for a vote to kick the speaker out
5:07 5:09 now these so-called Republican Rebels
5:09 5:10 politically remember they don't have
5:10 5:12 much to lose these are people you're
5:12 5:15 seeing in solidly safe Republican seats
5:15 5:17 but some of their GOP colleagues are a
5:17 5:19 lot more vulnerable in swing districts
5:19 5:22 with margins that are a lot closer and
5:22 5:23 if the next speaker ends up pulling the
5:23 5:25 house too far to the right to placate
5:25 5:27 those hardliners those vulnerable
5:27 5:30 Republicans could be at risk come 2024.
5:30 5:32 that means of course that GOP control of
5:32 5:33 the house could be at risk they don't
5:33 5:36 have a lot of wiggle room as we know the
5:36 5:37 longer that this drags on the more of a
5:37 5:39 real world impact you're going to see a
5:39 5:41 week without a speaker okay probably not
5:41 5:44 make or break you talk three weeks four
5:44 5:45 weeks without a speaker it is a
5:45 5:47 different story especially when you
5:47 5:48 think about that government shutdown
5:48 5:50 deadline it's now just 40 plus days away
5:50 5:52 you talk about uncertainty that could
5:52 5:54 spook the markets which is something
5:54 5:55 else to watch Lester so the bottom line
5:55 5:58 tonight a lot of questions and very few
5:58 6:00 answers Lester a lot of moving Parts all
6:00 6:02 right Howie thanks let's turn to what
6:02 6:04 may be the biggest health care strike in
6:04 6:06 history after their contract expired
6:06 6:08 tens of thousands of Kaiser Permanente
6:08 6:11 workers walking off the job for three
6:11 6:13 days demanding better pay and more staff
6:13 6:15 here's Tom Costello
6:15 6:18 walking the picket lines from Virginia
6:18 6:20 to California Colorado to the Pacific
6:20 6:21 Northwest
6:21 6:23 pharmacists optometrists vocational
6:23 6:26 nurses X-ray and lab technicians
6:26 6:28 demanding more pay and more staff
6:28 6:31 seventy five thousand Kaiser Permanente
6:31 6:33 employees the biggest health care strike
6:33 6:35 in history the union says many of
6:35 6:38 Kaiser's 13 million patients often wait
6:38 6:40 months to see a doc the wait times in
6:40 6:43 the ER have skyrocketed people are in
6:43 6:45 there for six eight hours just before
6:45 6:49 they can even get seen
6:49 6:51 that's not Quality Health Care most
6:51 6:53 doctors and RNs are not on strike
6:53 6:55 Kaiser's ERS on hospitals remain open
6:55 6:58 though it's now delaying some elective
6:58 7:01 procedures in California Tiffany Young's
7:01 7:03 17 month old son Caden was supposed to
7:03 7:05 have tubes placed in his ears tomorrow
7:05 7:08 to relieve chronic ear infections and
7:08 7:11 severe pain now it's been postponed till
7:11 7:13 December I mean has some pain and it's
7:13 7:16 just it's horrible to see him and I know
7:16 7:18 like it's a minor surgery but to a
7:18 7:21 parent and seeing your baby hit his ears
7:21 7:23 and crying you know it's heartbreaking
7:23 7:26 Kaiser says it's working on its Staffing
7:26 7:28 crisis but pay Remains the biggest
7:28 7:30 sticking point what our Union partners
7:30 7:32 are asking for is exponentially larger
7:32 7:35 than what we are able to commit to do to
7:35 7:37 be good stewards to our members and to
7:37 7:39 their dollars but in Virginia pharmacist
7:39 7:42 David Hawa says inflation is affecting
7:42 7:44 everyone's lives we living in a more
7:44 7:45 expensive world
7:45 7:48 uh and for that we need better
7:48 7:50 compensation the pandemic only
7:50 7:52 exacerbated Staffing shortages and
7:52 7:53 burnout that have been building for
7:53 7:56 years now these workers believe they
7:56 7:57 have the leverage to demand change
7:57 8:00 Lester Tom Costello thank you another
8:00 8:02 college campus has been shaken by a mass
8:02 8:05 shooting this time at Morgan State a
8:05 8:06 historically black University in
8:06 8:08 Baltimore where five young people were
8:08 8:11 shot and wounded during homecoming
8:11 8:13 celebrations NBC's Ken delaneyan is
8:13 8:16 there
8:16 8:19 you doing here Chaos on a college campus
8:19 8:21 with heavily armed police pointing
8:21 8:23 rifles at frightened students in their
8:23 8:24 dorm rooms
8:24 8:27 while searching door to door after a
8:27 8:28 shooting at Baltimore's Morgan State
8:28 8:31 University late last night they were
8:31 8:33 just like basically pointing the guns at
8:33 8:36 anybody that they seen first so it was
8:36 8:38 kind of like scary students packing up
8:38 8:40 and heading home today as the university
8:40 8:43 canceled classes and homecoming events
8:43 8:45 even postponing its football game we're
8:45 8:47 all going home yeah we're going home to
8:47 8:49 safety all our all our parents are not
8:49 8:51 like letting us stay up here five people
8:51 8:53 four of them students here were shot and
8:53 8:56 wounded he's hit when gunmen opened fire
8:56 8:57 in the direction of a crowd in front of
8:57 8:59 a campus dorm
8:59 9:01 treated in the hospital for
9:01 9:03 non-life-threatening injuries police
9:03 9:05 saying they were unintended Targets in
9:05 9:07 the dispute between two groups and that
9:07 9:09 the gunfire came from more than one
9:09 9:11 shooter it was crazy just saying like
9:11 9:13 people that you see around like every
9:13 9:15 day just being shot multiple windows
9:15 9:18 shattered shatter and made our officers
9:18 9:20 believe possibly we had an active
9:20 9:22 shooter police initially responded by
9:22 9:25 locking down the campus for hours before
9:25 9:27 concluding there was no active shooter
9:27 9:29 University president David K Wilson
9:29 9:31 called the shooting a senseless act of
9:31 9:33 violence and vowed the college will keep
9:33 9:36 moving on but this was the third year in
9:36 9:38 a row that Morgan State's homecoming
9:38 9:40 week was marred by a shooting incident
9:40 9:42 some students parents Fed Up
9:42 9:45 academically Morgan has some great
9:45 9:47 programs
9:47 9:50 but that's a it's a wash if we don't
9:50 9:52 feel secure enough with our students
9:52 9:54 walking around the campus
9:54 9:56 can our police any closer tonight to
9:56 10:00 arresting or even naming a suspect
10:00 10:02 unclear Lester Baltimore Police have not
10:02 10:04 said whether they have any leads and
10:04 10:06 students told us that makes them more
10:06 10:09 reluctant to be here on campus Lester
10:09 10:11 kendallanian thank you we're watching
10:11 10:13 for dangerous weather tonight in the
10:13 10:14 Southern Plains with severe
10:14 10:17 thunderstorms possible in parts of Texas
10:17 10:19 and Southern Oklahoma Dallas and
10:19 10:22 Oklahoma City are in the risk area for
10:22 10:24 large hail strong winds and isolated
10:24 10:27 tornadoes some areas could see as much
10:27 10:29 as five or six inches of rain and
10:29 10:32 possible flooding and in the Atlantic
10:32 10:34 we're watching tropical storm Philippe
10:34 10:36 it's moving North and could brush
10:36 10:37 Northern New England especially Maine
10:37 10:40 with heavy rain this weekend
10:40 10:43 and caught on camera in Oregon a deadly
10:43 10:45 plane crash the small aircraft seen
10:45 10:47 plunging out of the sky and crashing
10:47 10:49 through the roof of a home about 25
10:49 10:52 miles outside of Portland authorities
10:52 10:54 say two people on the plane a flight
10:54 10:56 instructor and student pilot were killed
10:56 10:59 a third was injured all or in their 20s
10:59 11:02 those inside the home got out safely
11:02 11:04 here in New York opening statements
11:04 11:06 today in the trial of Sam bankman freed
11:06 11:10 the former cryptocurrency CEO accused of
11:10 11:11 orchestrating one of the biggest
11:11 11:13 Financial frauds in history
11:13 11:17 cnbc's Kate Rooney was in court today
11:17 11:19 a year ago Sam bankman freed was running
11:19 11:22 a multi-billion Dollar cryptocurrency
11:22 11:24 Empire Today he sat in a Manhattan
11:24 11:27 courtroom as opening statements began in
11:27 11:29 his criminal fraud trial the once
11:29 11:30 floppy-haired billionaire known for
11:30 11:33 wearing cargo shorts and tube socks in a
11:33 11:35 gray suit and tie with noticeably
11:35 11:37 shorter hair after nearly two months
11:37 11:40 awaiting trial and federal custody I'm
11:40 11:42 getting into crypto with FTX you in the
11:42 11:45 31 year old founded and ran FTX endorsed
11:45 11:48 by several A-list celebrities which at
11:48 11:50 its peak was one of the world's largest
11:50 11:52 cryptocurrency exchanges but the company
11:52 11:55 imploded late last year today the
11:55 11:57 government describing that Empire as a
11:57 12:00 house of cards prosecutors alleging
12:00 12:01 banquet freed funneled billions of
12:01 12:04 customer funds from FTX and used them to
12:04 12:06 buy penthouses in the Bahamas make
12:06 12:09 political donations and bail out bad
12:09 12:11 bets at his hedge fund prosecutors told
12:11 12:13 the jury he knowingly lied to customers
12:13 12:16 and tried to cover up the scheme
12:16 12:17 prosecutors know that they probably
12:17 12:20 won't be able to explain cryptocurrency
12:20 12:23 completely to this jury so instead
12:23 12:25 they're going to distill it down to a
12:25 12:28 simple case of fraud banquin freed has
12:28 12:30 pleaded not guilty to seven criminal
12:30 12:32 counts of Fraud and conspiracy his
12:32 12:34 lawyers today painted him as a
12:34 12:36 hard-working nerd who was acting in good
12:36 12:38 faith and made what he thought were fair
12:38 12:40 business decisions adding that it's not
12:40 12:42 a crime to run a company into bankruptcy
12:42 12:45 or to pay Tom Brady to be in your
12:45 12:48 commercials I didn't ever uh try to
12:48 12:49 commit fraud on anyone I ain't knowingly
12:49 12:52 co-mingle funds last year after FTX fell
12:52 12:54 apart but before his arrest bankman
12:54 12:57 freed sat down with cnbc's Andrew Ross
12:57 12:59 sorghin I made a lot of mistakes or
12:59 13:01 things I would give anything to be able
13:01 13:04 to do over again and Kate joining us now
13:04 13:06 Kate who are the key Witnesses expected
13:06 13:09 to testify in this trial
13:09 13:11 well Lester we expect to hear from some
13:11 13:13 of the company insiders that lived with
13:13 13:15 bankman freed in the Bahamas that
13:15 13:17 includes Caroline Ellison she's the
13:17 13:19 ex-ceo of his hedge fund and his former
13:19 13:21 girlfriend potentially also his parents
13:21 13:22 and his brother but one of the biggest
13:22 13:24 questions is whether bankman freed
13:24 13:27 himself will take the stand Lester all
13:27 13:29 right Kate Rooney thank you in 60
13:29 13:31 seconds today's court appearance for the
13:31 13:33 suspect and the killing of rapper Tupac
13:33 13:35 Shakur the never-before-seen evidence in
13:35 13:38 the case and what shakura's brother is
13:38 13:41 saying right after this
13:41 13:44 back now with a man charged in the 1996
13:44 13:47 murder of rap Legend Tupac Shakur in
13:47 13:49 court for the first time today and we're
13:49 13:51 also getting a look at the newly
13:51 13:53 revealed evidence prosecutors showed to
13:53 13:58 the grand jury here's Miguel almaguer
13:58 14:00 making his first court appearance today
14:00 14:02 the man accused of murder in the Tupac
14:02 14:04 Shakur case will be arraigned in two
14:04 14:07 weeks when he'll enter a plea and have a
14:07 14:09 trial date set
14:09 14:12 Dwayne Davis says prominent attorney
14:12 14:14 Edie fall who's worked on other
14:14 14:16 high-profile cases involving Snoop Dogg
14:16 14:18 and Biggie Smalls will represent him
14:18 14:21 with no comment from Fall the confessed
14:21 14:23 gangster is accused of orchestrating the
14:23 14:26 drive-by shooting that killed the famed
14:26 14:30 rapper on the Vegas Strip in 1996. it's
14:30 14:34 been lingering for 27 years but I felt
14:34 14:36 there was sufficient legally admissible
14:36 14:38 evidence for the first time we are now
14:38 14:41 seeing the evidence prosecutors used to
14:41 14:43 secure their indictment including photos
14:43 14:45 of Tupac's bullet riddled car and
14:45 14:47 surveillance video of him leaving a
14:47 14:50 casino the grand jury also heard from
14:50 14:52 Davis himself who in published
14:52 14:55 interviews also admitted after his
14:55 14:57 nephew was attacked by Tupac he was
14:57 15:00 inside the car when his nephew opened
15:00 15:03 fire he leaned over
15:03 15:07 tonight Tupac's family has mixed
15:07 15:09 emotions I mean the feeling
15:09 15:14 was really there was a wow uh 27 years
15:14 15:17 is a long time as the only man still
15:17 15:19 alive in the car that night prosecutors
15:19 15:22 say Davis is left to blame for one of
15:22 15:25 the most infamous cold cases in U.S
15:25 15:29 history Miguel almaguer NBC News and
15:29 15:30 next for us tonight the lasting impact
15:30 15:32 of slavery and how the tale of two
15:32 15:38 families is echoing throughout history
15:38 15:41 we have a follow-up tonight to a story
15:41 15:43 we first brought you over the summer in
15:43 15:45 June Reuters reveal that many of
15:45 15:47 America's political leaders are
15:47 15:49 descended from slave holders tonight
15:49 15:51 Blaine Alexander brings us more with a
15:51 15:53 woman stunned to learn the history one
15:53 15:55 of those lawmakers has with her own
15:55 15:57 family
15:57 15:59 in the sprawling fields of rural
15:59 16:00 Tennessee where thousands of black
16:00 16:03 Americans were once enslaved Lucretia
16:03 16:05 Johnson flash feels living history my
16:05 16:07 people are buried here as head of
16:07 16:09 diversity and inclusion at a college she
16:09 16:10 has spent years working against
16:10 16:14 slavery's lasting impact today a typical
16:14 16:16 white family in the U.S is eight times
16:16 16:19 wealthier than a typical black family
16:19 16:21 the Dynamics are still very much present
16:21 16:23 with us a recent investigation by
16:23 16:26 Reuters found five living U.S presidents
16:26 16:28 and at least 100 members of the last
16:28 16:31 Congress are all direct descendants of
16:31 16:34 slave holders what does that say to you
16:34 16:36 about the legacy of slavery in this
16:36 16:40 country it says that power is passed
16:40 16:42 down intergenerationally it's not to
16:42 16:45 demonize anyone for the past but things
16:45 16:47 get passed down through the Reuters
16:47 16:49 investigation Lucretia discovered her
16:49 16:51 ancestors were enslaved by families
16:51 16:54 whose direct descendant is Republican
16:54 16:56 Congressman Brett Guthrie of Kentucky
16:56 16:59 NBC News News Made repeated attempts to
16:59 17:00 speak with the congressman he did not
17:00 17:04 respond I come from a legacy of teachers
17:04 17:07 and farmers and I think education is an
17:07 17:09 incredible Legacy but that doesn't
17:09 17:12 necessarily come with it vast amounts of
17:12 17:15 economic power political power after
17:15 17:17 emancipation while both families did
17:17 17:19 face their share of struggles and
17:19 17:22 successes Reuters analysis of thousands
17:22 17:24 of pages of public records shows that
17:24 17:27 for lucretia's family the Craigs often a
17:27 17:29 hard-won advance was followed by a
17:29 17:31 devastating setback when the Great
17:31 17:34 Depression left both families in debt
17:34 17:35 the Guthrie's found protection in
17:35 17:38 bankruptcy an option not available to
17:38 17:40 many black families at the time the
17:40 17:43 Craigs were forced to sell land to the
17:43 17:46 state decades later in Nashville it
17:46 17:48 happened again lucretia's cousin Ronnie
17:48 17:50 Miller lives in what was once a vibrant
17:50 17:53 business district run by black families
17:53 17:55 his was one of them they had a grocery
17:55 17:59 store they they had a restaurant they
17:59 18:01 had an ice cream parlor they had a whole
18:01 18:03 block just about but the city claimed
18:03 18:05 that land to make room for new
18:05 18:07 businesses and the construction of an
18:07 18:09 interstate for them it was devastating
18:09 18:12 that same Highway helped birth the
18:12 18:14 Guthrie family's multi-million dollar
18:14 18:17 auto parts company in Kentucky both
18:17 18:19 Ronnie and Lucretia say they don't fault
18:19 18:22 anyone today for the actions of those
18:22 18:25 long gone but I would ask you know how
18:25 18:27 are you making sense of what you're
18:27 18:29 learning how will the shape your
18:29 18:32 decisions going forward and Lucretia
18:32 18:35 says that work still has a long way to
18:35 18:38 go in the classroom and in Congress
18:38 18:40 Blaine Alexander NBC News Linden
18:40 18:43 Tennessee and that is Nightly News for
18:43 18:44 this Wednesday thank you for watching
18:44 18:47 I'm Lester Holt please take care of
18:47 18:50 yourself and each other good day
18:50 18:52 thanks for watching stay updated about
18:52 18:55 breaking news and top stories on the NBC
18:55 18:55 News app or follow us us on social media