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cbs en 231003 cbs evening news ; Kevin McCarthy ousted as House speaker; Washington National Cathedral unveils new stained glass windows

by peach1227 2023. 10. 4.
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0:01 0:04 tonight breaking news for the first time
0:04 0:06 in American history the speaker of the
0:06 0:08 house is removed after Revolt from
0:08 0:11 within the Republican party what happens
0:11 0:15 now here are tonight's headlines
0:15 0:18 the office of Speaker of the House of
0:18 0:20 the United States House of
0:20 0:23 Representatives is hereby declared
0:23 0:24 vacant
0:24 0:26 drama at the Capitol the U.S House votes
0:26 0:29 to oust its speaker Kevin McCarthy out
0:29 0:31 as Speaker Congress grinds to a
0:31 0:34 standstill without someone in the role a
0:34 0:36 little girl who went missing in Upstate
0:36 0:38 New York is now home with her family say
0:38 0:40 police still on the scene where they
0:40 0:42 captured the suspect we've watched as
0:42 0:44 investigators covered in White have gone
0:44 0:46 in and out of this home with paper bags
0:46 0:49 and what appears to be several gun cases
0:49 0:51 a special look at crime in America
0:51 0:54 what's behind the rise in carjackings
0:54 0:56 around the country after a sitting
0:56 0:58 member of Congress is held at gunpoint
0:58 1:00 by three armed men right here in the
1:00 1:02 nation's capital I looked at one with a
1:02 1:04 gun another with a gun at the one behind
1:04 1:07 me so they said they wanted my car and
1:07 1:09 said sure new details from Don Donald
1:09 1:11 Trump's fraud trial after the judge
1:11 1:13 issues a gag order plus the former
1:13 1:15 president says he'll take the stand he
1:15 1:17 always argues that this is Free Speech
1:17 1:20 Trump is routinely testing the bounds of
1:20 1:22 what's appropriate and what's legal
1:22 1:24 Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to
1:24 1:27 three felony charges stemming from his
1:27 1:29 purchase of a firearm in 2018 while he
1:29 1:32 was a drug user
1:32 1:34 didn't buy a ticket for last night's
1:34 1:37 Powerball you're in luck no one won and
1:37 1:40 now the jackpot is at 1.2 billion
1:40 1:43 dollars
1:43 1:45 Washington's National Cathedral has a
1:45 1:48 new view the story behind this stained
1:48 1:51 glass and the stain on History it
1:51 1:53 replaced the whole thing in the most
1:53 1:59 beautiful way is very very powerful
1:59 2:02 thank you
2:02 2:04 good evening to our viewers in the West
2:04 2:06 End thank you for joining us on this
2:06 2:08 Tuesday night we begin tonight on this
2:08 2:10 historic day right here in the nation's
2:10 2:12 capital for the first time in the
2:12 2:14 history of American democracy and the
2:14 2:17 first Congress of 1789 the speaker of
2:17 2:19 the house has been removed from his
2:19 2:21 position as the leader of the chamber by
2:21 2:25 a vote of 216 to 210 lawmakers booted
2:25 2:27 speaker Kevin McCarthy throwing the
2:27 2:29 house into chaos and into unprecedented
2:29 2:31 territory McCarthy seen here walking
2:31 2:34 away from the chamber in bitter defeat
2:34 2:36 after facing an uprising from the far
2:36 2:39 right faction of his own party Florida
2:39 2:41 Congressman Matt Gates a longtime critic
2:41 2:43 and thorn in the side of McCarthy led
2:43 2:45 the Revolt after the now former speaker
2:45 2:47 worked with Democrats on a funding bill
2:47 2:50 to avoid a government shutdown only
2:50 2:52 eight Republicans voted to vacate the
2:52 2:54 chair but 208 Democrats refused to come
2:54 2:56 to McCarthy's rescue and save his
2:56 2:58 speakership we've got a lot of news to
2:58 3:00 bring you tonight in cbs's Scott
3:00 3:02 McFarland will start us off from Capitol
3:02 3:04 Hill what a day good evening Scott good
3:04 3:06 evening Nora Kevin McCarthy speaker ship
3:06 3:08 lasted nine months with critics inside
3:08 3:11 his own party threatening to move on him
3:11 3:13 throughout today they made their move
3:13 3:15 and left half of the U.S Congress in a
3:15 3:17 state of uncertainty
3:17 3:19 for the first time in its history the
3:19 3:22 U.S House stripped its speaker of his
3:22 3:24 job the office of Speaker of the House
3:24 3:27 of the United States House of
3:27 3:30 Representatives is hereby declared
3:30 3:31 vacant
3:31 3:33 hours after the vote McCarthy blasted
3:33 3:35 the Republicans who unseated him and
3:35 3:37 announced he won't run for speaker again
3:37 3:40 I don't regret my efforts to build
3:40 3:43 coalitions and find Solutions
3:43 3:45 I was raised to solve problems not
3:45 3:47 create them
3:47 3:50 so I may have lost a vote today but as I
3:50 3:51 walk out of this chamber I feel
3:51 3:52 fortunate to have served the American
3:52 3:54 people
3:54 3:56 I leave the speakership with a sense of
3:56 3:59 Pride accomplishment and yes optimism
3:59 4:02 Kevin McCarthy's Rocky leadership of one
4:02 4:03 of the most narrow majorities ever in
4:03 4:05 the House of Representatives which he
4:05 4:07 earned only after a marathon 15-round
4:07 4:10 drama in January ended with a dramatic
4:10 4:13 flourish as eight Republicans joined all
4:13 4:15 house Democrats to remove him
4:15 4:19 chaos is Speaker McCarthy chaos is
4:19 4:22 somebody who we cannot trust with their
4:22 4:25 word Florida Republican Matt Gates led
4:25 4:26 the challenge citing complaints about
4:26 4:28 McCarthy's deal with President Biden to
4:28 4:31 avert a debt ceiling crisis in May and
4:31 4:32 the 11th Hour deal to avert a government
4:32 4:34 shutdown Saturday in which McCarthy
4:34 4:36 secured more support among Democrats
4:36 4:39 than Republicans there's nothing selfish
4:39 4:41 about wanting a speaker of the house who
4:41 4:43 tells the truth for now the house turns
4:43 4:45 to a temporary speaker North Carolina
4:45 4:47 Republican Patrick McHenry until a
4:47 4:49 formal vote occurs to choose a new
4:49 4:52 speaker keeping government open and
4:52 4:54 paying our troops was the right decision
4:54 4:57 I stand by that decision and then the
4:57 4:59 day if I have to lose my job over it so
4:59 5:01 be it many Republicans who back McCarthy
5:01 5:03 worried the party in fighting will hurt
5:03 5:05 them in next year's elections I don't
5:05 5:07 think it's sending a terrible signal to
5:07 5:09 the electorate in advance of the 24
5:09 5:12 election that this Republican majority
5:12 5:15 cannot govern itself and we need to
5:15 5:17 change that McCarthy had hoped some
5:17 5:18 Democrats would vote to save him but
5:18 5:20 they decided to back his removal after
5:20 5:22 watching video this morning in a private
5:22 5:24 meeting of McCarthy on Sundays Face the
5:24 5:27 Nation blaming Democrats after they
5:27 5:28 helped him avert a shutdown I wasn't
5:28 5:30 sure it was going to pass you want to
5:30 5:32 know why because the Democrats tried to
5:32 5:34 do everything they can not to let it
5:34 5:37 pass Democrat Steve the day and he goes
5:37 5:39 on TV hours later and says
5:39 5:41 Republicans did it Republicans were
5:41 5:43 meeting which is insane
5:43 5:45 amid the uncertainty the house has just
5:45 5:47 canceled the rest of its business for
5:47 5:49 the rest of the week with the election
5:49 5:52 of a new speaker set for next week Nora
5:52 5:54 Scott McFarland on the hill for us thank
5:54 5:56 you let's head down Pennsylvania Avenue
5:56 5:58 now to the White House where CBS news's
5:58 6:00 Nancy Cordes is talking to her sources
6:00 6:03 and Nancy I mean this vacancy has
6:03 6:06 serious implications for a number of
6:06 6:08 issues that are important to the
6:08 6:10 American people what's at stake well
6:10 6:12 Nora there's no gloating on this end of
6:12 6:13 Pennsylvania Avenue tonight we just got
6:13 6:15 a short statement saying that the
6:15 6:17 president hopes that the house elects a
6:17 6:19 news Speaker quickly because you're
6:19 6:21 right this vacancy creates major
6:21 6:23 uncertainty for the White House on
6:23 6:25 several fronts take Ukraine for instance
6:25 6:27 the president called a meeting with
6:27 6:29 major allies this morning just to
6:29 6:31 reassure them and to say he's confident
6:31 6:34 that Congress will soon pass another Aid
6:34 6:37 package for Ukraine but it's hard to see
6:37 6:39 how he can have that confidence when he
6:39 6:42 has no idea right now who the next
6:42 6:43 speaker will be and whether that that
6:43 6:46 person even supports Aid to Ukraine a
6:46 6:49 number of House Republicans don't and
6:49 6:51 Nancy you know this all comes about just
6:51 6:53 after a week averted a government
6:53 6:55 shutdown but the fix was only temporary
6:55 6:56 so what does this mean for a future
6:56 6:58 government shutdown
6:58 7:00 that's right Nora the clock is ticking
7:00 7:03 that short deal Runs Out in just 43 days
7:03 7:05 so the question is how do you pass
7:05 7:07 legislation that prevents a government
7:07 7:10 shutdown without a permanent speaker in
7:10 7:12 place who can make some tough calls
7:12 7:14 tonight some White House officials are
7:14 7:16 even wondering who's going to want that
7:16 7:19 job I mean after all over the past 10
7:19 7:21 years all three Republican house
7:21 7:24 speakers have either been pushed out or
7:24 7:26 simply gotten fed up with their own
7:26 7:29 right flanks so if all three of them
7:29 7:31 couldn't hold on in this modern
7:31 7:33 Republican conference Nora it's hard to
7:33 7:34 see who can
7:34 7:36 who wants them one of these most
7:36 7:38 powerful jobs in Washington Nancy Cordes
7:38 7:39 thank you
7:39 7:40 we want to turn now to the dramatic
7:40 7:42 ending in the search for a missing
7:42 7:43 nine-year-old a man is in custody
7:43 7:46 tonight charged with the kidnapping of a
7:46 7:48 New York girl and a cbs's jerika Duncan
7:48 7:50 reports a key piece of evidence LED
7:50 7:52 police to the suspect and the safe
7:52 7:56 return of Charlotte Cena
7:56 7:59 tonight investigators and hazmat suits
7:59 8:00 are gathering evidence from a mobile
8:00 8:03 home and camper in Milton New York where
8:03 8:05 nine-year-old Charlotte Cena was found
8:05 8:08 hidden in a cabinet Monday
8:08 8:10 police say they got a lead when the
8:10 8:12 suspect left behind a ransom note and
8:12 8:16 his DNA he literally drove up to the
8:16 8:18 family's mailbox 4 20 in the morning and
8:18 8:22 inserts The Ransom note leaving a
8:22 8:24 critical piece of evidence behind
8:24 8:26 his own fingerprint New York Governor
8:26 8:28 Kathy hokel says a break in the case
8:28 8:31 came at 2 30 Monday afternoon when the
8:31 8:33 fingerprint was matched in the state's
8:33 8:35 database to 46-year-old Craig Nelson
8:35 8:40 Ross Jr from a DWI arrest in 1999.
8:40 8:42 within hours a SWAT team in full
8:42 8:45 tactical gear with guns drawn swarmed
8:45 8:47 Ross's mother's home forcefully entering
8:47 8:50 a camper on her property where Ross was
8:50 8:52 living neighbors CBS News spoke with who
8:52 8:55 declined to go on camera described
8:55 8:57 hearing a powerful boom and witnessing a
8:57 8:59 chaotic scene
8:59 9:02 at 6 32 PM police say the suspect was
9:02 9:05 taken into custody after some resistance
9:05 9:07 she knew she was being rescued
9:07 9:09 she knew that she was
9:09 9:10 in safe hands
9:10 9:13 around 400 law enforcement and
9:13 9:15 volunteers searched for Charlotte for
9:15 9:18 two days in a statement to CBS News the
9:18 9:20 Senate family said we are thrilled that
9:20 9:23 she is home and we understand that the
9:23 9:27 outcome is not what every family gets
9:27 9:29 tonight Ross is behind bars at this
9:29 9:31 Correctional Facility behind me he was
9:31 9:33 charged with first degree kidnapping and
9:33 9:36 faces at least 15 years in prison and
9:36 9:39 Nora police say additional charges are
9:39 9:40 expected
9:40 9:43 quite an end to the story drika Duncan
9:43 9:45 thank you there was some big news today
9:45 9:47 from day two of the business fraud trial
9:47 9:49 against Donald Trump the judge imposed a
9:49 9:52 limited gag order this afternoon after
9:52 9:54 Trump disparaged a court staff member on
9:54 9:57 social media cbs's Robert Costa is at
9:57 9:59 the courthouse in lower Manhattan good
9:59 10:01 evening Robert so what can you tell us
10:01 10:03 about what the judge did
10:03 10:05 good evening nor that gag order came
10:05 10:08 after a dramatic turn today here at this
10:08 10:09 Courthouse when former president Trump
10:09 10:12 went on true social and falsely attacked
10:12 10:14 a clerk here working for the judge
10:14 10:16 falsely claiming she is the girlfriend
10:16 10:18 of Senator Chuck Schumer that post was
10:18 10:20 later deleted but the judge came out and
10:20 10:22 issued a searing statement to Trump and
10:22 10:24 his lawyers saying no personal attacks
10:24 10:26 will be tolerated when it comes to his
10:26 10:29 staff and to interpret that statement as
10:29 10:30 a gag order and I do want to ask you
10:30 10:31 Robert because I know you were inside
10:31 10:34 the courtroom for most of the day what
10:34 10:35 was the former president like what was
10:35 10:37 he doing
10:37 10:39 I sat just steps behind the former
10:39 10:41 president he was whispering to his
10:41 10:44 attorneys reviewing papers fully engaged
10:44 10:45 in all of this but didn't say much
10:45 10:47 inside the courtroom outside he went out
10:47 10:49 and told reporters he is willing to
10:49 10:51 testify at some point in the coming
10:51 10:53 months but soon we'll be on the campaign
10:53 10:55 Trail Nora will be back in court
10:55 10:57 tomorrow Robert Costa thank you
10:57 11:00 Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty today to
11:00 11:01 federal firearms charges President
11:01 11:03 Biden's son is accused of lying about
11:03 11:06 his drug use on a form to purchase a gun
11:06 11:09 in 2018. Hunter Biden's court appearance
11:09 11:11 comes months after a plea deal fell
11:11 11:13 apart now this puts the case on track
11:13 11:15 towards a possible trial next year while
11:15 11:18 his father is running for reelection
11:18 11:20 back here in Washington the threat of
11:20 11:22 gun violence hit close to home for a
11:22 11:24 member of Congress democratic
11:24 11:27 congresswoman Congressman Henry Cuellar
11:27 11:29 of Texas was carjacked by three armed
11:29 11:31 attackers outside his apartment building
11:31 11:35 last night CBS Nicole scango Reports car
11:35 11:37 thefts in other cities has surged this
11:37 11:39 year
11:39 11:42 just blocks from the U.S Capitol Texas
11:42 11:44 representative Henry Cuellar says he was
11:44 11:46 swarmed by three assailants donning
11:46 11:49 masks and black clothing then carjacked
11:49 11:51 at gunpoint in DC's Navy Yard
11:51 11:53 neighborhood I do have a black belt but
11:53 11:56 I recognize when you got three uh three
11:56 11:58 guns I looked at one with a gun another
11:58 12:01 with a gun of the one behind me so they
12:01 12:03 said they wanted my car and said sure
12:03 12:05 the congressman said police recovered
12:05 12:08 his SUV
12:08 12:11 two hours later violent crime is now up
12:11 12:13 39 percent in the nation's capital
12:13 12:16 compared to last year and motor vehicle
12:16 12:19 theft Rose by 106 percent here this year
12:19 12:22 the vast majority of carjackings are
12:22 12:24 armed Bruce Jacobs is a professor of
12:24 12:27 criminology in fact we've seen a number
12:27 12:30 of cases in the data where uh carjackers
12:30 12:33 are either live streaming uh their
12:33 12:36 offense or at least bragging about it
12:36 12:38 carjacking is a social media friendly
12:38 12:41 crime yeah I would I would argue that
12:41 12:43 that's true well violent crime is
12:43 12:45 trending down nationwide data from a
12:45 12:48 recent study of 32 U.S cities shows
12:48 12:51 motor vehicle thefts are a hundred and
12:51 12:53 four percent higher in the first half of
12:53 12:56 2023 compared to 2019. it's just a
12:56 12:58 matter of somebody coming up your door
12:58 13:00 throwing you out and getting in and that
13:00 13:01 really does take seconds
13:01 13:04 this carjacking occurring just eight
13:04 13:06 months after Minnesota congresswoman
13:06 13:09 Angie Craig was assaulted on an elevator
13:09 13:11 in her DC apartment building meanwhile
13:11 13:14 U.S Capitol Police say they're still
13:14 13:16 searching for the suspects behind last
13:16 13:18 night's incident Nora Nicole scanga
13:18 13:20 thank you very much
13:20 13:21 jury selection is underway in the
13:21 13:24 criminal fraud trial of Fallen crypto
13:24 13:27 King Sam bankman freed the 31 year old
13:27 13:29 accused of stealing billions of dollars
13:29 13:31 in customer deposits on his
13:31 13:35 cryptocurrency platform FTX and using it
13:35 13:37 to prop up his hedge fund by real estate
13:37 13:40 and for other personal Investments he's
13:40 13:42 facing federal charges including wire
13:42 13:44 and securities fraud and money
13:44 13:46 laundering it was an historic moment at
13:46 13:48 the U.S Senate today and its newest
13:48 13:51 member Senator lafonza Butler was sworn
13:51 13:52 in replacing the late California
13:52 13:55 Democrat Dianne Feinstein Butler is now
13:55 13:57 the only black woman serving in the U.S
13:57 13:59 Senate and the first openly gay senator
13:59 14:02 from California she was sworn in by vice
14:02 14:04 president Kamala Harris the last black
14:04 14:06 woman to serve in the Senate
14:06 14:08 an 11 year old boy charged with
14:08 14:11 attempted murder after a shooting that
14:11 14:13 was caught on camera we have the details
14:13 14:17 next
14:17 14:19 tonight an 11 year old Florida boy is
14:19 14:21 charged with attempted murder for
14:21 14:23 allegedly shooting two 13-year-olds
14:23 14:24 after an altercation at football
14:24 14:26 practice surveillance video shows what
14:26 14:28 happened police say the boy grabbed a
14:28 14:30 gun from an unlocked box in his mother's
14:30 14:33 car and opened fire hitting one teen in
14:33 14:35 the arm and the other in the Torso both
14:35 14:37 are expected to be okay
14:37 14:39 don't be alarmed but the federal
14:39 14:40 government will be conducting a
14:40 14:42 nationwide test of the emergency alert
14:42 14:44 system that's tomorrow afternoon
14:44 14:47 messages will be sent to all cell phones
14:47 14:49 TVs and radios you'll hear a similar
14:49 14:51 jolting sound like the National Weather
14:51 14:54 Service and Amber Alerts the test is
14:54 14:56 scheduled to begin around 2 20 p.m
14:56 14:58 Eastern Time
14:58 15:00 there's big news about the Powerball
15:00 15:06 jackpot that's next
15:06 15:08 good news for lottery lovers no one hid
15:08 15:10 last night's Powerball jackpot so the
15:10 15:12 grand prize for Wednesday night's
15:12 15:15 drawing has climbed to an estimated 1.2
15:15 15:17 billion dollars that is the third
15:17 15:20 largest jackpot in Powerball history the
15:20 15:22 cash option payout would be more than
15:22 15:26 550 million dollars before taxes can you
15:26 15:27 imagine
15:27 15:29 with the five-month writer strike
15:29 15:31 finally over The Late Night comedians
15:31 15:34 are back in business here at CBS Stephen
15:34 15:36 Colbert thanked his writing staff in his
15:36 15:38 opening monologue
15:38 15:40 thanks to the picket lines My Writers
15:40 15:42 got fresh air and sunshine and they do
15:42 15:45 not care for that
15:45 15:47 now they're back safely in their joke
15:47 15:49 holes
15:49 15:50 doing what they do best making my
15:50 15:52 prompter word screen full of good and
15:52 15:54 haha
15:54 15:56 well you likely won't see any A-list
15:56 15:57 actors on the late shows the Screen
15:57 16:00 Actors Guild is still on strike and in
16:00 16:02 talks with the studios
16:02 16:04 The Landmark Washington National
16:04 16:06 Cathedral shines a light on the fight
16:06 16:09 for Justice by replacing a dark past
16:09 16:14 that's next
16:14 16:16 finally tonight Washington's National
16:16 16:18 Cathedral has unveiled some new stained
16:18 16:20 glass windows in hopes of opening the
16:20 16:23 door of racial Unity cbs's Adriana Diaz
16:23 16:25 got a first look
16:25 16:27 the stained glass at the National
16:27 16:30 Cathedral long upheld a stain on our
16:30 16:32 history this tribute to Confederate
16:32 16:34 generals Robert E Lee and Thomas
16:34 16:36 Stonewall Jackson they've now been
16:36 16:38 replaced with protesters Marching for
16:38 16:42 equality it is pretty brilliant pretty
16:42 16:44 bright it's glowing Carrie James
16:44 16:46 Marshall's art can go for Millions for
16:46 16:48 this he charged
16:48 16:53 18.65 a nod to slavery's end in a church
16:53 16:55 you're so used to looking up at the
16:55 16:57 windows and seeing white skin and seeing
16:57 17:00 black skin here it's almost like you
17:00 17:02 have to do a double take I don't think
17:02 17:05 these windows exclude anybody I think
17:05 17:07 the activity and what they engage in is
17:07 17:09 something that everybody can partake in
17:09 17:11 below are words by Poet Elizabeth
17:11 17:13 Alexander who performed at President
17:13 17:16 Barack Obama's first inauguration the
17:16 17:19 final line of the poem may this portal
17:19 17:22 be where the light comes in that can
17:22 17:24 illuminate the beauty of the past and
17:24 17:28 also sometimes the untruths of the past
17:28 17:29 I don't think I could have asked for
17:29 17:32 anything more meaningful to have done as
17:32 17:35 a kind of gift to the nation as a whole
17:35 17:39 Adriana Diaz CBS News Washington
17:39 17:41 May the light shine in that is tonight's
17:41 17:43 CBS Evening News I'm Nora O'Donnell good
17:43 17:43 night