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nbc nn 231005 nbc nightly news ; Biden admin announces expansion of border wall construction in Texas; Chicago overwhelmed with worsening migrant housing crisis; Russian missile strike kills over 50 people in Ukraine, officials say; and more on tonight..

by peach1227 2023. 10. 6.
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0:00 0:02 tonight the major reversal by the Biden
0:02 0:04 Administration on the border wall and
0:04 0:06 the president saying he has no way to
0:06 0:09 stop it the administration bypassing 26
0:09 0:12 federal laws to speed up construction of
0:12 0:14 the border wall despite President
0:14 0:16 Biden's vow not to build another foot
0:16 0:19 during the 2020 campaign the president
0:19 0:21 today saying he doesn't believe the war
0:21 0:23 works but that he has no choice because
0:23 0:25 the money was allocated during the Trump
0:25 0:27 Administration former president Trump
0:27 0:30 reacting tonight also this even the
0:30 0:32 Russian missile strike in a cafe and
0:32 0:34 grocery store in Ukraine killing more
0:34 0:38 than 50 people as chaos in Congress here
0:38 0:40 in the US threatens to cut off Ukraine
0:40 0:43 Aid the armed man arrested at
0:43 0:45 Wisconsin's capital for threatening the
0:45 0:47 governor police saying he made bail then
0:47 0:50 came back with an assault rifle the
0:50 0:52 horrific stabbing of a social justice
0:52 0:55 advocate in New York the 18-year-old
0:55 0:57 suspect now under arrest tropical storm
0:57 0:59 Philip taking potential aim at the nor
0:59 1:02 Northeast the new track the FedEx plane
1:02 1:05 crash landing sparks flying as it skids
1:05 1:08 Off The Runway what caused it the health
1:08 1:11 concerns about popular weight loss drugs
1:11 1:14 what a new study found this is NBC
1:14 1:16 Nightly News with Lester
1:16 1:19 Holt good evening and welcome a new
1:19 1:21 effort to build a border wall Tonight
1:21 1:23 coming from an unexpected place the
1:23 1:26 White House in an official notice
1:26 1:28 Homeland Security secretary Alejandro
1:28 1:31 mayorcas s there is an acute and
1:31 1:33 immediate need to construct physical
1:33 1:36 barriers to prevent unlawful entries
1:36 1:38 into the United States facing a growing
1:38 1:41 influx of migrants illegally entering
1:41 1:43 the country the administration is waving
1:43 1:46 26 federal laws in order to allow more
1:46 1:49 wall construction using money allocated
1:49 1:52 before President Biden took office it's
1:52 1:54 a sharp policy shift for a president who
1:54 1:56 once called a wall spanning the southern
1:56 1:59 border a waste of time the new
1:59 2:01 construction ction will be along a
2:01 2:03 stretch of Border in Star County Texas
2:03 2:05 and tonight former president Trump who
2:05 2:09 built his successful 2016 presidential
2:09 2:11 campaign around a promise to build a
2:11 2:14 border wall is claiming Vindication
2:14 2:16 Peter Alexander now with late
2:16 2:19 details tonight a major reversal the
2:19 2:20 Biden Administration announcing it is
2:20 2:23 waving 26 federal laws to permit more
2:23 2:25 border wall Construction in southern
2:25 2:28 Texas amid a record 3 million migrants
2:28 2:30 crossing the border in the past year
2:30 2:32 the head of Homeland Security Alejandro
2:32 2:34 mayorcas overnight declaring there is
2:34 2:36 presently an acute and immediate need to
2:36 2:39 construct physical barriers and Roads to
2:39 2:41 prevent illegal Crossings in Star County
2:41 2:44 Texas but President Biden today appeared
2:44 2:46 to contradict his own DHS secretary do
2:46 2:49 you believe the board of wall first no
2:49 2:51 insisting his administration is not
2:51 2:53 building more wall because of the surge
2:53 2:55 in migrants but because they were
2:55 2:57 required by law to spend money Congress
2:57 2:59 allocated during the Trump
2:59 3:01 Administration they have to use the
3:01 3:03 money for what was appropriate I can't
3:03 3:05 stop that speaking in direct
3:05 3:06 contradiction to what his
3:06 3:09 own hear I'm speaking for the president
3:09 3:11 I'm saying that he has said that he does
3:11 3:13 not believe a border wall is effective
3:13 3:15 and late today this from the DHS
3:15 3:17 secretary traveling in Mexico City there
3:17 3:21 is no new Administration policy with
3:21 3:23 respect to the border wall still it
3:23 3:25 comes after the president repeatedly
3:25 3:27 slammed the wall and former president
3:27 3:30 Trump during the campaign there will not
3:30 3:33 be another foot of Wall constructed on
3:33 3:35 my Administration tonight Mr Trump
3:35 3:37 arguing he's been proven right posting
3:37 3:39 there are only two things that have
3:39 3:42 consistently worked wheels and walls
3:42 3:44 will Joe Biden apologize to me and
3:44 3:48 America for taking so long to get moving
3:48 3:50 the latest NBC News poll shows Americans
3:50 3:53 give Republicans an 18-point advantage
3:53 3:55 when asked who would better handle
3:55 3:58 immigration the largest ever deficit for
3:58 4:00 Democrats on this issue
4:00 4:02 and Peter joining me now Peter the
4:02 4:03 administration tonight announced it will
4:03 4:06 resume deportation flights for migrants
4:06 4:08 from one country Lester that's right
4:08 4:09 border officials are currently seeing
4:09 4:12 more migrants from Venezuela than from
4:12 4:14 anywhere else and now they will once
4:14 4:16 again face those deportation flights
4:16 4:18 this comes after the bid Administration
4:18 4:21 gave temporary legal status to half a
4:21 4:23 million Venezuelans Lester Peter
4:23 4:25 Alexander at the White House thanks and
4:25 4:27 increasingly the migrant crisis is being
4:27 4:29 felt far from the border including City
4:29 4:32 like Chicago where officials say
4:32 4:35 resources are running thin Julia anley
4:35 4:36 is there
4:36 4:39 tonight tonight officials warning
4:39 4:41 Chicago is approaching a Breaking Point
4:41 4:44 tents full of desperate migrants lining
4:44 4:46 Chicago's iconic lak Shore Drive migrant
4:46 4:49 shelters inside O'Hare Airport a total
4:49 4:52 of 177,000 migrants showing up since
4:52 4:54 last August and officials expect 1,200
4:54 4:57 per day to keep coming now Chicago is
4:57 4:59 building sprawling tint camps to get
4:59 5:02 migrants off the streets of places like
5:02 5:05 this ahead of the cold winter months
5:05 5:07 Democratic Illinois governor JB pritsker
5:07 5:09 slamming President Biden for not doing
5:09 5:12 enough writing the federal government's
5:12 5:13 lack of intervention and coordination at
5:13 5:16 the border has created an untenable
5:16 5:18 situation for Illinois the White House
5:18 5:20 blaming Congress for not acting and
5:20 5:22 saying they've accelerated work permits
5:22 5:25 and provided a billion to cities
5:25 5:28 Nationwide I don't want them there but
5:28 5:30 protests here are growing to have the
5:30 5:33 government come in and dump 300 people
5:33 5:36 right next door to me it is not fair the
5:36 5:38 Latino pilson neighborhood was the first
5:38 5:40 to build a shelter for migrants and
5:40 5:42 they're now preparing a new shelter to
5:42 5:44 take up to a thousand more Community
5:44 5:46 leaders tell us they want to help
5:46 5:47 migrants but they're worried about
5:47 5:50 resources for poor Chicagoans too I'm
5:50 5:53 concerned uh because of the a low
5:53 5:55 response by the for the federal and
5:55 5:57 state government when winter comes not
5:57 5:59 only will you not have enough room for
5:59 6:01 migrants who also might not have enough
6:01 6:03 room to take in some homeless people who
6:03 6:05 live on the streets here in pilson
6:05 6:08 American citizens absolutely we met
6:08 6:10 these migrants sleeping outside a police
6:10 6:12 station Stephanie tells us she boarded a
6:12 6:14 free bus in Texas because she thought
6:14 6:18 Chicago had a refugee camp some of us
6:18 6:20 have been here weeks she said she told
6:20 6:22 us she's desperate for a job to support
6:22 6:25 her one-year-old son back in Venezuela
6:25 6:27 the Texas governor says he will continue
6:27 6:29 busing migrants to Sanctuary cities to
6:29 6:32 relieve border towns tonight A DHS
6:32 6:34 assessment team is here in the city
6:34 6:37 Lester Julia Angley thank you this was a
6:37 6:38 devastating day in Ukraine where
6:38 6:41 officials say a Russian missile killed
6:41 6:43 more than 50 people Richard angle with
6:43 6:44 late
6:44 6:47 details a huge Russian missile
6:47 6:49 effectively wiped this tiny village off
6:49 6:51 the map today flattening what was Main
6:51 6:54 Street in huza in eastern Ukraine
6:54 6:56 there's hardly a trace of the grocery
6:56 6:58 and coffee shop that were here residents
6:58 7:01 say they were only 330 people living in
7:01 7:04 the village in an instant more than 50
7:04 7:05 were
7:05 7:07 killed relatives from the surrounding
7:07 7:09 areas rushed over as soon as they could
7:09 7:12 search for loved ones Valeria herco
7:12 7:14 looking for her mother says the
7:14 7:16 villagers were holding a memorial for a
7:16 7:19 soldier when the Missile hit there was a
7:19 7:21 coffee shop here she
7:21 7:24 says Ukraine's president zelitsky called
7:24 7:26 today's attack a deliberate and brutal
7:26 7:27 Act of
7:27 7:30 terrorism while at any economic Forum in
7:30 7:32 Russia President Putin took no
7:32 7:35 responsibility for any of this he
7:35 7:38 claimed Russia did not start the war in
7:38 7:39 Ukraine just the
7:39 7:44 opposite he says Russia is trying to end
7:44 7:46 it that's his message to the Russian
7:46 7:48 people even though Russia invaded
7:48 7:51 Ukraine and is continuing its daily
7:51 7:54 attacks that today devastated a sleepy
7:54 7:57 Village president zalinski said today
7:57 7:59 that President Biden assured him of
7:59 8:01 Honor ongoing us support even though
8:01 8:03 it's still an open question if Congress
8:03 8:06 will pass more military aid for Ukraine
8:06 8:08 Lester okay Richard thank you in
8:08 8:10 Wisconsin tonight A man is under arrest
8:10 8:12 for a second time in one day for
8:12 8:14 bringing a gun to the state capital
8:14 8:16 where officials say he was trying to see
8:16 8:19 the governor Jesse kurur joins us Jesse
8:19 8:21 it was a pretty alarming scene
8:21 8:24 there that's right Lester details still
8:24 8:26 coming in but so far officials say that
8:26 8:28 a shirtless man with a holstered handgun
8:28 8:30 went in to the Wisconsin state capital
8:30 8:33 yesterday demanding to see Governor Tony
8:33 8:35 iers before he was arrested for openly
8:35 8:37 carrying a firearm into the capital
8:37 8:40 authorities say he later bailed himself
8:40 8:42 out of jail and then hours after the
8:42 8:43 first incident returned to the state
8:43 8:46 capital exterior this time armed with a
8:46 8:49 loaded AK-47 style rifle as well as a
8:49 8:51 collapsible police style baton
8:51 8:53 authorities say the man was taken into
8:53 8:55 custody for a psychiatric evaluation
8:55 8:58 we're also told that at the time of the
8:58 9:00 incident the the governor was not in the
9:00 9:02 capital which does not have metal
9:02 9:04 detectors and this is just the latest
9:04 9:06 high-profile incident involving an
9:06 9:08 elected official last year the governor
9:08 9:10 was allegedly on a Hit List which also
9:10 9:12 purportedly included Senate minority
9:12 9:14 leader Mitch McConnell as well as
9:14 9:16 Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and
9:16 9:19 remember Whitmer was also the intended
9:19 9:22 victim of a kidnapping plot back in 2020
9:22 9:24 Lester all right Jesse kers thank you
9:24 9:26 here in New York a suspect is under
9:26 9:28 arrest tonight in the stabbing death of
9:28 9:30 a community AC earlier this week a
9:30 9:33 surveillance video shows 32-year-old
9:33 9:35 Ryan Carson being confronted by a man
9:35 9:38 and being stabbed multiple times on a
9:38 9:40 Brooklyn Street as his girlfriend
9:40 9:42 watched officials say the 18-year-old
9:42 9:45 suspect has been charged with murder and
9:45 9:47 the man who shot and wounded 10 people
9:47 9:49 on the New York subway last year was
9:49 9:51 sentenced today to 10 life sentences
9:51 9:54 Frank James had pleaded guilty to 10
9:54 9:57 counts of terrorism and a gun charge the
9:57 9:59 shootings led to a Citywide man hunt
9:59 10:02 remarkably all the victims survived
10:02 10:04 tonight tropical storm Philipe churning
10:04 10:07 North with maximum winds up to 50 miles
10:07 10:09 per hour it's expected to move over
10:09 10:11 parts of Maine and Atlantic Canada this
10:11 10:14 weekend producing strong winds heavy
10:14 10:16 rain and flooding in New England and we
10:16 10:18 learned today that globally last month
10:18 10:21 was the hottest September on record
10:21 10:24 climate change and El Nino are blamed
10:24 10:27 this follows the hottest July and August
10:27 10:29 one climate scientist called the
10:29 10:32 Summer's heat extraordinary it's those
10:32 10:33 conditions that are contributing to a
10:33 10:36 growing Water Crisis in Louisiana where
10:36 10:38 saltwater is seeping into the
10:38 10:40 Mississippi River here's Sam
10:40 10:43 Brock tonight the race to keep New
10:43 10:45 Orleans drinking water safe as the flow
10:45 10:47 of the Mississippi River might not be
10:47 10:48 strong enough to prevent
10:48 10:51 disaster those in Port sulfur already
10:51 10:53 struggling When We Run The W when I take
10:53 10:57 a bath I feel the I smell the I you can
10:57 10:59 smell it you can feel and smell the salt
10:59 11:01 yes sir when we met Harold Sylvie and
11:01 11:03 his wife Denise they were unloading
11:03 11:05 water for their kids and grandkids how
11:05 11:06 long have you been dealing with us for
11:06 11:09 oh I say a couple of months parts of
11:09 11:11 their Parish under a drinking water
11:11 11:14 advisory even with plaman Parish barging
11:14 11:16 and blending water from Plants Upstream
11:16 11:18 to keep saline levels down in the
11:18 11:20 Region's most populous Parish Jefferson
11:20 11:22 where close to half a million people are
11:22 11:25 potentially set to be affected it's a
11:25 11:26 race to get these pipes down and bring
11:26 11:28 in fresh water do you anticipate having
11:28 11:30 to tell people they can only drink
11:30 11:32 bottled water um we're hoping not we're
11:32 11:35 hoping that this system is able to um
11:35 11:38 connect us up River the Army Corps of
11:38 11:39 Engineers has had some success
11:39 11:42 bolstering an underwater barrier called
11:42 11:44 a sill but following the hottest summer
11:44 11:46 on record and the majority of Louisiana
11:46 11:48 under a state of exceptional drought
11:48 11:50 these emergency steps are only a stop
11:50 11:52 Gap all levels of government are
11:52 11:54 throwing everything we have at this
11:54 11:57 problem and uh unfortunately the the the
11:57 11:59 Silver Bullet is rain we we need we need
11:59 12:02 rain Upstream the Sal water has already
12:02 12:04 gone some 60 or 70 River miles up the
12:04 12:05 Mississippi but that was mostly
12:05 12:08 unimpeded the question now is how much
12:08 12:09 farther will it go in that direction
12:09 12:11 toward New Orleans with the latest
12:11 12:13 projection showing it stopping just
12:13 12:15 short of the major water in her tanks
12:15 12:18 for now and if that holds the biggest
12:18 12:20 population centers could be spared as
12:20 12:22 many still worry about their loved ones
12:22 12:24 having clean drinking water I don't want
12:24 12:26 them to get sick if anything happens
12:26 12:29 from the Mississippi Delta Sam brck NBC
12:29 12:31 News and climate change and severe
12:31 12:33 weather are contributing to a growing
12:33 12:36 food challenge in China which so much of
12:36 12:38 the world depends on Janice Macky fryer
12:38 12:41 reports tonight on how China is
12:41 12:44 responding from record rainfall to
12:44 12:47 scorching heat dramatic swings testing
12:47 12:51 China's ability to cope with a changing
12:51 12:53 [Music]
12:53 12:56 climate this summer the heaviest rain in
12:56 12:59 140 years caused widescale scale
12:59 13:01 flooding here that destroyed fields and
13:01 13:03 tons of
13:03 13:06 crops the corn is soaked the fields the
13:06 13:09 furniture it's all garbage he says last
13:09 13:12 year intense heat waves triggered the
13:12 13:14 worst drought in decades he's saying
13:14 13:15 this is what it looks like when rice
13:15 13:19 doesn't grow it's all dry climate change
13:19 13:21 is feeding a quest to shore up China's
13:21 13:25 food supply food security Now a national
13:25 13:27 priority for China's president XI
13:27 13:31 jimping to produce more and import less
13:31 13:33 at a time when geopolitical tension is
13:33 13:35 rising too the challenge in China
13:35 13:37 feeding one fth of the world's
13:37 13:40 population with only 10% of the world's
13:40 13:43 arable Farmland a campaign to expand
13:43 13:46 Farmland has reclaimed nearly half a
13:46 13:48 million Acres Nationwide for staple
13:48 13:53 foods like rice soybeans and wheat get 1
13:53 13:55 it's all rice this woman says even in
13:55 13:58 the local graveyard in some places Park
13:58 14:02 land was bulldozed to make room for corn
14:02 14:05 concerns over food security are deeply
14:05 14:07 rooted here with shortages sparking
14:07 14:10 unrest during the pandemic it has
14:10 14:12 authorities fixated on food technology
14:12 14:15 too so each year we can Harvest their
14:15 14:18 six times for The Grow six times yeah
14:18 14:20 scientists are using indoor vertical
14:20 14:23 farming and say they're harvesting more
14:23 14:25 in half the time without disruptions
14:25 14:28 from bad weather because we can control
14:28 14:29 the environment
14:29 14:31 of this country City we can produce the
14:31 14:34 food in everywhere an all out push to
14:34 14:38 feed a sense of security Janice mcky
14:38 14:41 frer NBC News Sichuan Province China in
14:41 14:43 60 seconds the new health alert about
14:43 14:46 those weight loss drugs so many are now
14:46 14:48 taking the serious side effects being
14:48 14:50 reported what you need to know right
14:50 14:53 after
14:53 14:55 this back now with tonight's Health
14:55 14:57 Report a new study looks at a class of
14:57 14:59 drugs exploding fling in popularity
14:59 15:02 right now for weight loss and the risks
15:02 15:04 of using them Stephanie GS is following
15:04 15:06 this Stephanie what do they find you
15:06 15:07 know Lester these medications have been
15:07 15:09 prescribed for years to treat diabetes
15:09 15:11 it's only recently that they've been
15:11 15:15 taken um in the case of OIC off label to
15:15 15:17 lose weight this is the first large
15:17 15:20 study of adverse reactions among
15:20 15:22 non-diabetic patients the results show a
15:22 15:25 higher risk of gastrointestinal issues
15:25 15:27 compared to different weight loss
15:27 15:30 medication specifically a nine times
15:30 15:32 higher risk of pancreatitis more than
15:32 15:34 four times higher risk of a bowel
15:34 15:36 obstruction and a more than three and a
15:36 15:38 half times higher risk of stomach
15:38 15:40 paralysis the side effects are rare
15:40 15:42 according to the study's authors but
15:42 15:43 doctors say patients who are not
15:43 15:46 diabetic or obese may want to weigh
15:46 15:48 those risks differently Nova nordis the
15:48 15:50 maker of ozempic tells NBC News it
15:50 15:53 stands by the safety of its products
15:53 15:54 which include labels about these
15:54 15:56 possible side effects the company also
15:56 15:57 noting that some of the data for the
15:57 16:00 study was was collected before its drugs
16:00 16:02 were on the market the bottom line
16:02 16:04 Lester speak with your doctor and make
16:04 16:06 sure that you're the right fit for these
16:06 16:08 medications lot of interest in these
16:08 16:10 drugs all right Steph thanks very much
16:10 16:11 coming up the close call landing at a
16:11 16:15 Tennessee airport and bed bugs plaguing
16:15 16:17 Paris why cities across the world are on
16:17 16:21 alert
16:21 16:23 next back now with a dramatic video out
16:23 16:26 of Tennessee a FedEx plane crashed
16:26 16:28 landing and sending sparks flying as it
16:28 16:30 skitted down the runway at the
16:30 16:32 Chattanooga airport officials say the
16:32 16:34 landing gear malfunction no one was
16:34 16:37 injured Paris is gearing up for next
16:37 16:39 year's summer olympics but for now they
16:39 16:42 have unwanted Invaders Megan Fitzgerald
16:42 16:45 now on the city's bed bug
16:45 16:48 problem tonight a bed bug infestation
16:48 16:50 sweeping through Paris and anxiety
16:50 16:53 quickly Rising viral videos like these
16:53 16:55 causing sleepless nights with reports of
16:55 16:57 the blood sucking parasites on buses and
16:57 17:00 trains inside movie theaters and hotels
17:00 17:02 that is just becoming an issue for the
17:02 17:07 parisians in our daily life Paris is a
17:07 17:09 global destination with Millions
17:09 17:11 visiting from across the world for
17:11 17:13 events like Fashion Week last month
17:13 17:15 concerns Travelers can take the bugs
17:15 17:18 home well it's a national crisis in
17:18 17:20 France the tiny blood suckers are a
17:20 17:22 problem across the world in American
17:22 17:24 cities from Chicago to New York and
17:24 17:27 recently in Arizona where exterminators
17:27 17:29 found massive infest stations with
17:29 17:32 thousands of bugs according to the CDC
17:32 17:34 bed bugs are known to hide tucking into
17:34 17:36 seams of suitcases folded clothes
17:36 17:39 bedding and Furniture while the bugs
17:39 17:41 don't pose a serious medical threat
17:41 17:43 their bites can result in rashes
17:43 17:46 blisters and allergic reactions it's
17:46 17:48 terrible it's the most awful thing that
17:48 17:50 has ever happened Maria Melissa guarte
17:50 17:53 is an American who's lived in Paris for
17:53 17:56 26 years she's battled bed bugs twice
17:56 17:59 before and when the Exterminator
17:59 18:01 came they told me that they've been
18:01 18:04 really really busy because Paris has a
18:04 18:06 real problem of bed
18:06 18:08 bugs the French government is expected
18:08 18:11 to announce new emergency measures any
18:11 18:13 day as this city prepares to host the
18:13 18:15 Olympic Games next year Lester Megan
18:15 18:17 Fitzgerald thanks and that's Nightly
18:17 18:19 News thank you for watching everyone I'm
18:19 18:21 Lester Holt please take care of yourself
18:21 18:23 and each other good
18:23 18:26 night thanks for watching stay updated
18:26 18:28 about breaking news and top story
18:28 18:31 stories on the NBC News app or follow us
18:31 18:31 on social media