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cbs en 231005 cbs evening news ; White House to allow new wall construction along southern border; No injuries after FedEx plane crash lands in Tennessee

by peach1227 2023. 10. 6.
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0:01 0:03 tonight construction of the border wall
0:03 0:05 will soon resume after the Biden
0:05 0:08 administration's major reversal waving
0:08 0:10 dozens of federal laws to start building
0:10 0:15 barriers in Texas here are tonight's
0:15 0:17 headlines as migrants illegally crossing
0:17 0:20 the border near record levels and major
0:20 0:21 American cities struggle to handle the
0:21 0:24 influx the about face from the White
0:24 0:27 House as the immigration crisis grows
0:27 0:29 President Biden breaks a campaign
0:29 0:32 promise but insists he had no choice I
0:32 0:35 can't stop that Ukrainian officials say
0:35 0:37 dozens of people are dead after a
0:37 0:39 Russian missile H A Village Store and
0:39 0:42 Cafe in the eastern part of the country
0:42 0:44 we're tracking tropical storm phelip as
0:44 0:47 it moves up the Atlantic where it could
0:47 0:49 hit our 60 Minutes interview with Mark
0:49 0:51 Millie what America's former top General
0:51 0:54 tells us about President Biden's
0:54 0:57 Age The Dog Days may be over here at the
0:57 0:59 White House why President Biden's German
0:59 1:02 shepher was removed from campus and what
1:02 1:05 happens to the dog now the impact
1:05 1:08 popular drugs like OIC are having on
1:08 1:10 grocery stores like
1:10 1:14 Walmart the soldiers without voices our
1:14 1:15 on America tonight looks at the pain of
1:15 1:18 army horses and the new ways they're
1:18 1:21 being treated I do not ever want to
1:21 1:24 bring the horses back if they can't be
1:24 1:28 taken care of
1:28 1:32 appropriately a FedEx plane crash lands
1:32 1:34 skinning Off The Runway in Tennessee the
1:34 1:38 new details about what
1:38 1:41 happened the Powerball jackpot has risen
1:41 1:44 to $1.4 billion doll with a B after no
1:44 1:46 winning ticket was drawn last night so
1:46 1:48 your chances of scoring the grand prize
1:48 1:52 are listen to this one in 292 Million
1:52 1:58 worth a shot
1:58 2:00 right
2:00 2:01 good evening to our viewers in the west
2:01 2:03 and thank you for joining us on this
2:03 2:05 Thursday night we begin tonight with a
2:05 2:07 major reversal by the Biden
2:07 2:09 Administration due to the ongoing crisis
2:09 2:10 at the southern border the
2:10 2:12 administration is moving forward with
2:12 2:14 plans to build new border barriers in
2:14 2:17 South Texas it's an Abrupt change from a
2:17 2:19 campaign pledge made by then candidate
2:19 2:21 Joe Biden the president defended his
2:21 2:24 decision saying he has no choice because
2:24 2:26 the funding was approved specifically
2:26 2:28 for a border wall for just the second
2:28 2:30 time in history data from the Department
2:30 2:32 of Homeland Security shows apprehensions
2:32 2:34 along the southern border surpassed 2
2:34 2:37 million in the past year southern states
2:37 2:39 are not alone in feeling the impact with
2:39 2:40 Texas governor Greg Abbott sending
2:40 2:44 busloads of Asylum Seekers to so-called
2:44 2:46 Sanctuary cities mayor from New York to
2:46 2:47 Los Angeles say they are being
2:47 2:49 overwhelmed by the massive influx of
2:49 2:51 migrants cbs's Nancy ctis is going to
2:51 2:54 start us off tonight from the White
2:54 2:56 House good evening Nancy Nora good
2:56 2:57 evening not only is the Biden
2:57 2:59 Administration fast-tracking the
2:59 3:01 construction of this wall it's also
3:01 3:05 waving 26 different laws and regulations
3:05 3:06 to do something that President Biden
3:06 3:08 vowed never to
3:08 3:11 do 18t high steel panels will be
3:11 3:14 installed along a 20m stretch of the Rio
3:14 3:17 Grand near Mallen Texas they are meant
3:17 3:20 to stop scenes like this hundreds of
3:20 3:22 migrants racing towards the US border on
3:22 3:23 Tuesday
3:23 3:26 night President Biden insisted today he
3:26 3:28 didn't want to build the wall but that
3:28 3:31 his hands were Tied by a law Congress
3:31 3:33 passed in 2019 they have to use the
3:33 3:35 money for what it was appropriate I
3:35 3:37 can't stop that do you believe the
3:37 3:40 border wall Works no but his own
3:40 3:42 Homeland Security secretary traveling in
3:42 3:45 Mexico said they do work secretary
3:45 3:48 mayorcas issued a notice stating there
3:48 3:50 is presently an acute and immediate need
3:50 3:53 to construct physical barriers in order
3:53 3:55 to prevent unlawful entries into the
3:55 3:58 United States immigration is a sensitive
3:58 4:01 political issue for President Biden who
4:01 4:04 made this campaign promise in 2020 there
4:04 4:06 will not be another foot of Wall
4:06 4:09 constructed on my
4:09 4:11 Administration but as illegal border
4:11 4:14 crossings have surged above 200,000 last
4:14 4:17 month alone even some of his political
4:17 4:21 allies have grown critical in Chicago
4:21 4:23 hundreds of migrants are sleeping on the
4:23 4:25 sidewalks outside police stations
4:25 4:28 Illinois governor JB pritsker wrote the
4:28 4:29 federal government's lack of
4:29 4:31 intervention and coordination at the
4:31 4:34 border has created an untenable
4:34 4:36 situation for
4:36 4:38 Illinois New York City's Democratic
4:38 4:41 mayor has also been outspoken and issued
4:41 4:44 this warning in Mexico today we want to
4:44 4:46 give a real picture of what's happening
4:46 4:49 in New York City we are at
4:49 4:51 capacity late this afternoon the
4:51 4:52 administration announced it will be
4:52 4:55 restarting direct deportations of
4:55 4:57 Venezuelan migrants back to their home
4:57 5:00 country Venezuelans accounted for nearly
5:00 5:02 a quarter of all illegal border
5:02 5:05 crossings last month Nora Nancy ctis
5:05 5:08 thank you turning over seiz to Ukraine
5:08 5:10 in one of the deadliest attacks against
5:10 5:12 civilians in the war a Russian missile
5:12 5:14 today slammed into a cafe and grocery
5:14 5:17 store killing at least 51 people
5:17 5:19 including a six-year-old boy that's in
5:19 5:21 the eastern part of the country cbs's
5:21 5:24 Raman aseno is on the ground in Ukraine
5:24 5:26 with the latest on this horrific attack
5:26 5:28 and a warning some of the video is
5:28 5:31 disturbing in a playground turned
5:31 5:33 Mortuary The Grieving looked for their
5:33 5:36 loved ones many barely recognizable
5:36 5:38 before this horror today the village of
5:38 5:41 groza near hary's Eastern Front Line had
5:41 5:45 just over 300 people now it's believed
5:45 5:48 one of every six is dead including a
5:48 5:50 six-year-old boy with several more
5:50 5:53 wounded many had gathered for a wake to
5:53 5:56 remember a neighbor's life then their
5:56 5:59 own were suddenly cut short senseless
5:59 6:01 trag tragedy needless
6:01 6:04 loss just two days ago Ukraine's
6:04 6:06 President Vladimir zelinsky made a trip
6:06 6:09 to this region to raise Soldier morale
6:09 6:11 today he condemned the attack as no
6:11 6:13 blind strike and
6:13 6:15 brutal so brutal it's one of the
6:15 6:17 bloodiest since the first two months of
6:17 6:20 Russia's Invasion when missile strikes
6:20 6:22 killed hundreds in a theater in marup
6:22 6:25 and more than 60 at a rail station in
6:25 6:27 kramatorsk this new strike comes as a
6:27 6:30 new poll shows American report for more
6:30 6:33 military aid to Ukraine falling down 5%
6:33 6:35 since the summer how worried are you
6:35 6:37 about defense spending for Ukraine 100%
6:37 6:40 worried Alexandra usanova is a Ukrainian
6:40 6:42 congresswoman overseeing weapons from
6:42 6:46 overseas and the most needed uh types of
6:46 6:48 weapons right now for us is the air
6:48 6:50 defense missiles if we don't have any
6:50 6:53 more of those coming we would have
6:53 6:55 hundreds and thousands of civilians dead
6:55 6:57 this winter for the village of groza any
6:57 6:59 missiles that would have come to defend
6:59 7:01 are too
7:01 7:04 late and congresswoman ustinova told us
7:04 7:06 the high Mars the mobile rocket
7:06 7:08 launchers that the US gave Ukraine are
7:08 7:11 idle 90% of the time that's because
7:11 7:14 missiles just aren't available Nora Ry
7:14 7:17 and aseno thank you tonight there's been
7:17 7:18 an arrest and a stabbing death that
7:18 7:20 shocked and saddened many in New York
7:20 7:23 City CBS New York was at the scene when
7:23 7:25 18-year-old Brian dling was taken into
7:25 7:27 custody at his home this morning he's
7:27 7:29 charged with murdering 32 2-year-old
7:29 7:32 social activist Ryan Carson in a brutal
7:32 7:34 attack caught on surveillance video It
7:34 7:36 Happened on a Brooklyn Street early
7:36 7:38 Monday when Carson and his girlfriend
7:38 7:41 were heading home from a wedding no word
7:41 7:44 yet on a motive turning now to the
7:44 7:45 weather with tropical storm phelip
7:45 7:47 picking up speed as it passes Bermuda
7:47 7:50 and heads towards New England tonight
7:50 7:51 residents from New York to Maine are
7:51 7:53 bracing for heavy rains and possible
7:53 7:55 flooding plus strong winds beginning on
7:55 7:57 Saturday the National Hurricane Center
7:57 7:59 predicts that landfall could take Place
7:59 8:03 Sunday morning in Maine with 60 mph
8:03 8:05 winds this is now the fourth consecutive
8:05 8:07 weekend the Northeast will be impacted
8:07 8:10 by a tropical system tonight a top
8:10 8:12 executive at the world's largest
8:12 8:14 retailer says popular drugs like OIC
8:14 8:16 could end up slimming grocery store
8:16 8:19 sales cbs's Carter Evans reports on the
8:19 8:22 correlation between cutting calories and
8:22 8:26 possible cuts to the bottom
8:26 8:29 line it turns out popular drugs used to
8:29 8:32 suppress appetite like OIC and wovi may
8:32 8:35 have an economic side effect people who
8:35 8:37 take them appear to be buying less food
8:37 8:40 at Walmart where today Ed Nicholas got
8:40 8:43 her prescriptions and her groceries yeah
8:43 8:46 absolutely I believe it I buying less
8:46 8:49 she started taking OIC after having two
8:49 8:52 heart attacks and she's lost 36 pounds
8:52 8:54 since May has it changed what you eat
8:54 8:57 100% the sweet stuff it just literally
8:57 9:00 turns my stomach my shopping cart used
9:00 9:01 to be overflowed because I'd have all
9:01 9:04 the junk and the sodas and all that now
9:04 9:07 it's it's half less than half of what it
9:07 9:10 used to be Walmart has one of the most
9:10 9:11 sophisticated systems for collecting
9:11 9:14 data on its Shoppers and US CEO John
9:14 9:16 ferer told Bloomberg they've seen
9:16 9:18 smaller checkouts from people taking
9:18 9:20 these medications we do see a slight
9:20 9:22 pullback in overall basket less units
9:22 9:24 slightly less calories does it surprise
9:24 9:26 you that Walmart's looking at this sort
9:26 9:29 of data um I think every you know large
9:29 9:30 is looking at this sort of data they
9:30 9:32 have the data uh through their loyalty
9:32 9:35 programs Leo Feller is Chief Economist
9:35 9:37 at numerator a company that analyzes
9:37 9:39 shopping receipts from millions of
9:39 9:42 people and then we use that data to help
9:42 9:44 inform retailers to help inform food
9:44 9:46 manufactures healthc care providers
9:46 9:48 wrote more than 9 million prescriptions
9:48 9:50 for drugs used for weight loss in the
9:50 9:53 last three months of 2022 and Morgan
9:53 9:56 Stanley estimates 7% of the US
9:56 9:57 population will be taking these
9:57 10:01 medications by 2035 over the course of
10:01 10:03 the next 10 years this will likely
10:03 10:05 change the way that consumers uh shop
10:05 10:08 and what consumers are buying for Eline
10:08 10:10 Nicholas and her husband that's already
10:10 10:12 happened I buy the groceries so it's
10:12 10:16 also helping him to eat
10:16 10:18 healthy now as more people start taking
10:18 10:20 these medications an analysis from
10:20 10:22 jeffy's Financial Group says snack
10:22 10:25 makers like Kellog Hershey's and Hostess
10:25 10:28 could be impacted but even Airlines
10:28 10:30 might benefit from this with lower fuel
10:30 10:34 costs as passengers lose weight Walmart
10:34 10:37 did not respond to our inquiries Nora
10:37 10:39 fascinating Carter Evans thank you now
10:39 10:41 to our 60 Minutes interview you will see
10:41 10:42 this weekend General Mark Millie just
10:42 10:44 finished his four-year term as America's
10:44 10:47 highest ranking officer as the
10:47 10:49 president's top military adviser he
10:49 10:50 spent a lot of time at the White House
10:50 10:53 so we asked him about his experience
10:53 10:55 with the commanderin-chief
10:55 10:57 President Joe Biden has been portrayed
10:57 10:59 by his political opponent opponents and
10:59 11:01 even some of his allies is too old to be
11:01 11:03 president I'm not asking for your
11:03 11:05 political opinion here but how does he
11:05 11:08 seem to you look it I'm I'm not going to
11:08 11:09 comment I didn't comment on the former
11:09 11:12 president's uh mental health physical
11:12 11:13 health and and and I'm not going to
11:13 11:14 comment on the current president's
11:14 11:16 mental health or physical health I think
11:16 11:19 that's highly inappropriate for the uh
11:19 11:20 senior officer of the United States
11:20 11:23 military to to do that I would just tell
11:23 11:25 you that uh I meet frequently with the
11:25 11:27 president um and every single time I
11:27 11:31 meet with him um he he is is just fine
11:31 11:33 how people interpret that is up to them
11:33 11:35 but uh I I engage with them frequently
11:35 11:40 and and alert sound uh does his homework
11:40 11:42 reads the papers uh reads all the read
11:42 11:45 ahead material uh and is very very
11:45 11:49 engaging in in uh uh issues of very
11:49 11:50 serious matters of War and Peace and
11:50 11:53 life and death so if the American people
11:53 11:56 are worried about an individual um who
11:56 11:59 who is you know someone who's making
11:59 12:02 decisions of War and Peace and uh has
12:02 12:03 access to you know makes the decisions
12:03 12:05 of nuclear weapons is that sort of thing
12:05 12:06 I think they can rest
12:06 12:08 easy our story with General Millie
12:08 12:10 including his public falling out with
12:10 12:12 former president Trump and his thoughts
12:12 12:14 on the war in Ukraine will air on 60
12:14 12:17 Minutes this Sunday we turn now to a
12:17 12:19 widely publicized pet problem at the
12:19 12:22 White House the president and first lady
12:22 12:24 forced again to remove one of their
12:24 12:26 beloved German Shepherds from the
12:26 12:28 premises after a series of biting
12:28 12:30 incidents cbs's Ouija Jang has more on
12:30 12:33 Commander move from the White House to
12:33 12:36 the Dog House President Biden's dog
12:36 12:38 Commander was spotted at the White House
12:38 12:41 on Saturday but after biting someone
12:41 12:43 last Monday night he no longer lives
12:43 12:45 here CBS News has learned there have
12:45 12:48 been more than 11 biting incidents
12:48 12:50 involving the 2-year-old German Shepherd
12:50 12:53 and Secret Service officers at least two
12:53 12:55 had to be taken to the hospital for
12:55 12:57 treatment following an incident last
12:57 12:59 November one Secret Service Officer
12:59 13:02 emailed a colleague my leg and arm still
13:02 13:05 hurts he bit me twice and ran at me
13:05 13:08 twice a fellow Secret Service Officer
13:08 13:10 replied what a joke if it wasn't their
13:10 13:13 dog he would already have been put down
13:13 13:16 sources tell CBS Commander also bit
13:16 13:18 White House residential staff and other
13:18 13:20 workers the dog a gift from the
13:20 13:23 president's brother is the second to be
13:23 13:25 removed from the White House major bit
13:25 13:29 two people in one month back in 2021
13:29 13:32 he's a sweet dog 85% of the people there
13:32 13:33 love him he just all he does is lick
13:33 13:37 them and wag his tail here dog trainer
13:37 13:39 Robert cabraal says can9 behavior
13:39 13:42 depends on several factors like genetics
13:42 13:44 socialization and training when you're
13:44 13:45 dealing with the president's dog
13:45 13:47 nobody's going to want to correct the
13:47 13:48 president's dog and sadly when you're in
13:48 13:51 a position of power people are going to
13:51 13:52 tell you what you want to hear and not
13:52 13:54 tell you the truth the truth is this dog
13:54 13:55 needs
13:55 13:57 structure tonight the White House is not
13:57 13:59 saying whether Commander is permanently
13:59 14:01 banned from living here on the grounds
14:01 14:04 or if he'll be returning the Biden dogs
14:04 14:06 are not the first presidential pups to
14:06 14:08 act out either in just one example in
14:08 14:11 2008 President George W Bush's Scottish
14:11 14:14 Terrier Barney bit a reporter's finger
14:14 14:16 Nora I remember that Ouija Jang thank
14:16 14:19 you one of Arlington National cemetery's
14:19 14:21 most honored Traditions has been
14:21 14:23 suspended after an army investigation
14:23 14:26 found improper care for the horses that
14:26 14:28 carry the nation's fallen heroes to
14:28 14:30 their final in place in tonight's I on
14:30 14:33 America cbs's David Martin shows us the
14:33 14:35 two women that spoke up to save one of
14:35 14:38 the military's oldest
14:38 14:40 ceremonies the hor drawn quesan at
14:40 14:43 Arlington National Cemetery is one of
14:43 14:45 this nation's most solemn and Majestic
14:45 14:48 rituals but back at the stable watch
14:48 14:51 what happened to a horse named George
14:51 14:53 when I touched George's neck he he fell
14:53 14:56 to his knees which is a very abnormal
14:56 14:59 response in any horse
14:59 15:01 and I've never encountered such a
15:01 15:04 painful Horse Major Beth biles is the
15:04 15:07 veterinarian for the horses so George
15:07 15:09 basically just buckled under the pain he
15:09 15:13 did it was shocking CBS News obtained
15:13 15:16 photos of other horses with scars from
15:16 15:17 wearing ill-fitting harnesses and
15:17 15:22 Saddles while pulling a 2600 lb queson
15:22 15:23 they were all suffering from severe
15:23 15:27 muscle skeletal injuries neck pain they
15:27 15:30 were supposed to work 2 weeks on 2 weeks
15:30 15:33 off but some ended up working 6 weeks
15:33 15:36 straight Soldiers with limited training
15:36 15:38 didn't recognized the problem and higher
15:38 15:41 ups weren't listening educating the
15:41 15:44 chain of command on how to take the
15:44 15:46 appropriate steps was a challenge did
15:46 15:47 you have a hard time getting through
15:47 15:51 initially yes then two horses died and
15:51 15:53 this Army investigation finally declared
15:53 15:55 conditions
15:55 15:58 unsafe the Army brought in hes to give
15:58 16:00 the horses a full year to recover they
16:00 16:03 were sent to rehab for therapies like
16:03 16:06 cold water soaks for their aching limbs
16:06 16:07 there was a lot of work to be done
16:07 16:09 Monique Hy had been brought in as the
16:09 16:11 new herd manager and started getting rid
16:11 16:14 of saddles whose design dated back to
16:14 16:17 World War I not only can we cause pain
16:17 16:19 along their spine from how narrow this
16:19 16:21 is but then there's a there was a rub
16:21 16:24 happening on this horse this sounds like
16:24 16:30 um very basic stuff yes it's basic
16:30 16:33 now there are new Saddles and some new
16:33 16:36 horses hubby calls the horses soldiers
16:36 16:39 without voices but George said it all in
16:39 16:43 that 10-second video here he is now a
16:43 16:46 year later at the rehab center George is
16:46 16:50 a case of uh a success story George will
16:50 16:52 never go back to pulling a Cas on but
16:52 16:54 horsedrawn funerals are scheduled to
16:54 16:58 resume next year I do not ever want to
16:58 17:00 bring bring the horses back if they
17:00 17:03 can't be taken care of appropriately I
17:03 17:05 do fear that we might revert back to
17:05 17:08 where we were for I on America David
17:08 17:10 Martin Fort Meyer
17:10 17:13 Virginia a man is arrested after a
17:13 17:15 shocking abduction near the University
17:15 17:20 of Virginia we'll have the details
17:20 17:23 next tonight A University of Virginia
17:23 17:25 student is in stable condition after
17:25 17:28 police say she was abducted near campus
17:28 17:29 in investigators say the woman was able
17:29 17:31 to fight off her attacker after he
17:31 17:34 dragged her into his car forcing him to
17:34 17:37 crash into cars and trees they later
17:37 17:39 arrested a 40-year-old man and charged
17:39 17:42 him with strangulation and abduction
17:42 17:43 please do not believe the victim and
17:43 17:46 suspect knew each other a FedEx plane is
17:46 17:49 forced to make a dramatic Crash Landing
17:49 17:51 that's
17:51 17:53 next if you can't watch the CBS Evening
17:53 17:56 News you can listen subscribe wherever
17:56 17:57 you get your
17:57 18:01 podcasts
18:01 18:03 an investigation is underway into the
18:03 18:04 crash landing of a FedEx plane in
18:04 18:07 Chattanooga Tennessee the plane skitted
18:07 18:09 Off The Runway with sparks flying last
18:09 18:11 night after its landing gear didn't come
18:11 18:13 down good news all three crew members
18:13 18:16 made it out safely Powerball players are
18:16 18:18 getting another shot at the biggest
18:18 18:20 lottery jackpot of the year the grand
18:20 18:23 prize for Saturday night's drawing is
18:23 18:26 now up to $1.4 billion with a cash
18:26 18:30 payout topping 600 $43 million that's
18:30 18:32 before taxes that's tonight's CBS
18:32 18:38 Evening News I'm nor O'Donnell good
18:38 18:38 night