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cbs en 231006 cbs evening news ; U.S. added 336,000 jobs in September, well above forecasts; How a man who was given a 72-year-old egg with a message on it found its writer

by peach1227 2023. 10. 7.
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0:01 0:03 tonight the surprising jobs report
0:03 0:06 blowing expectations out of the water
0:06 0:08 what does the workforce growth mean for
0:08 0:10 interest rates inflation and the overall
0:10 0:12 US economy here are tonight's
0:12 0:14 [Music]
0:14 0:16 headlines an unexpected surge for
0:16 0:18 employment in America but still
0:18 0:20 thousands of union workers across the
0:20 0:23 country are on the picket lines despite
0:23 0:25 the strong September jobs report Pickers
0:25 0:27 and protesters like these in the Screen
0:27 0:29 Actors Guild still aren't feeling the
0:29 0:31 game another weekend with a rain in the
0:31 0:33 Northeast phelip is making its way
0:33 0:35 through the Atlantic it is going to be a
0:35 0:39 soggy windy mess sharing nuclear
0:39 0:41 submarine Secrets the new report
0:41 0:43 alleging former president Trump revealed
0:43 0:45 to an Australian businessman some of
0:45 0:48 America's most sensitive information by
0:48 0:50 his own Secretary of Defense tells us
0:50 0:53 it's reckless in total how much did you
0:53 0:57 send over four or 5 month period 800,000
0:57 0:59 a warning tonight from the FBI about
0:59 1:02 senior scams going after your retirement
1:02 1:04 savings what to look out for older
1:04 1:07 adults are disproportionately targeted
1:07 1:09 and victimized why do you think that is
1:09 1:12 because they have the most
1:12 1:15 money and it's Friday so we go on the
1:15 1:18 road with a story about an unexpected
1:18 1:21 meeting between two strangers do you
1:21 1:23 remember writing on that egg oh my
1:23 1:26 goodness yes and you were hoping to find
1:26 1:30 someone to be a pen pal well who knows
1:30 1:38 we all
1:38 1:40 dream good evening and thank you for
1:40 1:42 joining us on this Friday night we begin
1:42 1:44 tonight with the economy and a booming
1:44 1:47 new government report showing the jobs
1:47 1:49 Market is stronger than expected
1:49 1:52 businesses added 36 36,000 jobs last
1:52 1:55 month nearly doubling expectations the
1:55 1:56 unemployment rate remained near a
1:56 2:00 historic low of 3.8% president Biden
2:00 2:02 hailed the news crediting his economic
2:02 2:03 policies for keeping the unemployment
2:03 2:07 rate below 4% for 20 months in a row
2:07 2:10 that's the longest stretch in 50 years
2:10 2:11 Wall Street liked what it was hearing
2:11 2:13 with the Dow jumping nearly 300 points
2:13 2:17 in the S&P Rising more than 1% while
2:17 2:18 businesses are reporting record profits
2:18 2:20 some workers are not feeling the
2:20 2:22 benefits with ongoing strikes calling
2:22 2:25 for more pay and better job protections
2:25 2:27 cbs's jooling Kent will start us off
2:27 2:29 tonight from Los Angeles good evening
2:29 2:31 jooling
2:31 2:33 good evening Nora this strong jobs
2:33 2:35 report could lead the Federal Reserve to
2:35 2:37 hike interest rates again next month to
2:37 2:39 try to further curb inflation that of
2:39 2:41 course would make borrowing more
2:41 2:43 expensive when it comes to cars and
2:43 2:45 mortgages and credit cards and these are
2:45 2:46 all things that striking workers out
2:46 2:48 here are telling us they already can't
2:48 2:50 afford
2:50 2:53 it what's this about Pati care it's a
2:53 2:56 tale of two economies Strikers continue
2:56 2:59 their walkouts Nationwide as a strong
2:59 3:01 September jobs report shows the economy
3:01 3:05 continues to grow 336,000 jobs were
3:05 3:08 added last month smashing economists
3:08 3:11 expectations posting a 33rd straight
3:11 3:13 month of gains July and August jobs were
3:13 3:15 revised up adding
3:15 3:18 119,000 more than previously reported we
3:18 3:20 have the highest share of working age
3:20 3:23 Americans in the workforce in 20 years
3:23 3:26 and it's no accident it's biomics when
3:26 3:28 you hear good economic news like that
3:28 3:31 right but you're here on strike right
3:31 3:34 how do you feel yeah I'm like okay can
3:34 3:36 you bring it over here I hear you I hear
3:36 3:38 what you're saying but okay we need to
3:38 3:41 see it as well 453,000 workers have
3:41 3:43 walked off the job this year alone
3:43 3:45 including actors who've been on the
3:45 3:47 picket lines for 84 days if you put it
3:47 3:49 in the context of understanding that a
3:49 3:52 lot of union workers did not see their
3:52 3:54 wages go up as rapidly as the rest of
3:54 3:57 the economy that's why they're striking
3:57 3:59 In This Moment it's been 3 weeks now for
3:59 4:02 striking Auto Workers today their Union
4:02 4:03 president announced they would not
4:03 4:06 expand their strike as negotiations
4:06 4:09 continue with the big three automakers
4:09 4:11 our strike is working but we're not
4:11 4:13 there yet it's a feeling shared among
4:13 4:16 the 75,000 striking Kaiser healthcare
4:16 4:19 workers I feel hope and knowing that our
4:19 4:22 people are going to do whatever it takes
4:22 4:24 we are making a little bit of progress
4:24 4:28 but we are not
4:28 4:30 done while work ERS press on the
4:30 4:33 official end to the Kaiser strike is
4:33 4:34 tomorrow morning there has been no
4:34 4:36 meaningful progress certainly no
4:36 4:39 resolution both sides are now telling us
4:39 4:40 they will be back at the bargaining
4:40 4:43 table next Thursday Nora Jolene Kent
4:43 4:45 thank you from the political storm in
4:45 4:48 the house to the post tropical Cyclone
4:48 4:51 phelip as it barrels towards New England
4:51 4:53 up to 5 Ines of rain is forecast from
4:53 4:56 New York to Southeast Canada through the
4:56 4:57 weekend for details let's bring in me
4:57 4:59 all just Mike Bettis from our partner at
4:59 5:01 The Weather Channel good evening
5:01 5:04 Mike Nora good evening to you some of
5:04 5:05 the roughest weather that we'll see this
5:05 5:07 weekend will be in the Northeast heavy
5:07 5:09 rain and wind in our forecast we've got
5:09 5:11 a very potent cold front that's
5:11 5:13 approaching now from the West that
5:13 5:14 combined with the remnants of phelip
5:14 5:16 moving its way Northbound here will make
5:16 5:19 a very rough weekend especially on
5:19 5:21 Saturday heavy rain forms for us later
5:21 5:23 on tonight really Peaks tomorrow
5:23 5:25 afternoon in evening I'll say from the
5:25 5:27 tri state New York Philadelphia
5:27 5:29 Northbound from there and then in comes
5:29 5:31 the really heavy rain and wind from
5:31 5:32 phelipe as well some of the Winds
5:32 5:34 especially near the coastline could be
5:34 5:38 25 to 30 mph from there that rain really
5:38 5:40 hammers Us in main but everything exits
5:40 5:42 by the time we get to Sunday we do watch
5:42 5:44 for some flooding maybe not as bad as
5:44 5:46 what we had last weekend but from the
5:46 5:48 Tri-State Norah Northbound watching for
5:48 5:50 some high water on the roadways Mike
5:50 5:53 Bettis thank you America's submarine
5:53 5:56 Fleet is known as the silent service the
5:56 5:57 technology and capabilities of the
5:57 5:59 nuclear ships are among some some of the
5:59 6:02 country's closest kept secrets and now
6:02 6:04 there is an explosive report that former
6:04 6:05 Donald Trump former president Donald
6:05 6:07 Trump shared those secrets with a
6:07 6:10 foreign citizen Australian billionaire
6:10 6:12 Anthony Pratt well tonight cbs's
6:12 6:14 Katherine herriage talks to Trump's
6:14 6:16 Former Defense secretary about the risks
6:16 6:19 of discussing that kind of classified
6:19 6:21 information and Anthony is one of the
6:21 6:23 most successful men in the
6:23 6:26 world uh perhaps Australia's most
6:26 6:29 successful man as they say CBS News has
6:29 6:30 learned that discussions between
6:30 6:33 Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt and
6:33 6:34 former president Donald Trump at
6:34 6:37 maralago were probed by special Council
6:37 6:39 investigators after allegations that
6:39 6:41 Trump may have shared potentially
6:41 6:43 sensitive information about us nuclear
6:43 6:45 submarines first reported by ABC news
6:45 6:47 that information may have included the
6:47 6:50 number of nuclear warheads and how close
6:50 6:52 us submarines can get to enemy Subs
6:52 6:54 without detection while some information
6:54 6:57 is publicly available former military
6:57 6:59 officials tell CBS News the subs ations
6:59 7:02 are the crown jewels of US National
7:02 7:04 Security it's just another example of
7:04 7:06 him being careless if not Reckless with
7:06 7:08 our most sensitive Secrets it's also
7:08 7:10 alleged Pratt may have then shared the
7:10 7:12 submarine information with other
7:12 7:16 Australians except it is like highly
7:16 7:19 kind earlier this year CBS News obtained
7:19 7:21 an audio tape where former president
7:21 7:23 Trump discussed a classified military
7:23 7:25 attack plan on Iran at his New Jersey
7:25 7:27 Golf Club what's the potential ripple
7:27 7:29 effect for National Security each
7:29 7:31 telling of the story people get far less
7:31 7:34 concerned about the being discreet or
7:34 7:36 about protecting information on true
7:36 7:38 social Trump called the new claims quote
7:38 7:40 false and ridiculous the spokesman for
7:40 7:41 Pratt's company did not immediately
7:41 7:44 respond sources tell CBS News there's no
7:44 7:45 indication that Trump showed Pratt's
7:45 7:47 sensitive records and no charges have
7:47 7:50 been brought by the special counsel Nora
7:50 7:52 Katherine arage thank you well tonight
7:52 7:54 the FBI is warning the public about a
7:54 7:56 new scam called The Phantom hacker that
7:56 7:58 targets older Americans the scammers
7:58 8:00 trick people into to thinking that their
8:00 8:02 most valuable Financial accounts have
8:02 8:05 been compromised CBS of Jeff pagay goes
8:05 8:08 in depth with one of the scams victims
8:08 8:11 who lost everything it chose the
8:11 8:14 transactions into my account Rich Brun
8:14 8:16 was comfortably retired after a lifetime
8:16 8:18 of saving it's just a routine habit pay
8:18 8:21 my bills save some money last year the
8:21 8:24 75-year-old Navy veteran and Telecom
8:24 8:27 executive got a popup warning on his
8:27 8:28 laptop they said they were trying to
8:28 8:30 upload
8:30 8:32 a child porn and they also trying to tap
8:32 8:35 into your financial records he wasn't
8:35 8:37 being hacked but he was about to be
8:37 8:42 scammed did they sound legit oh yes 100%
8:42 8:45 the hackers convinced Brun to move his
8:45 8:48 money to a so-called safe account how
8:48 8:50 much did you send over four or five
8:50 8:53 month period 800,000
8:53 8:56 $800,000 the safe account was part of
8:56 8:58 the scam and is
8:58 8:59 $800,000
8:59 9:03 soon vanished it was stolen these scams
9:03 9:05 are known as Phantom hackers fake tech
9:05 9:07 support criminals they're very
9:07 9:09 sophisticated they're very good at what
9:09 9:12 they do Rebecca Keithley is with the FBI
9:12 9:15 who is usually targeted in these scams
9:15 9:17 older adults are disproportionately
9:17 9:20 targeted and victimized why do you think
9:20 9:22 that is because they have the most money
9:22 9:25 several ages from the state FBI agents
9:25 9:27 now visit senior centers to warn about
9:27 9:31 scams ranging from cyber to fake kidnap
9:31 9:34 Ransom plots according to the AARP more
9:34 9:38 than $28 billion is stolen annually from
9:38 9:41 adults over the age of 60 I'm living uh
9:41 9:44 you know close to the Bone now to add to
9:44 9:47 his problems Rich Brun is now dealing
9:47 9:50 with the IRS he may owe
9:50 9:53 $200,000 in taxes because he withdrew
9:53 9:55 the money from a retirement account what
9:55 9:57 does the future look like for you as
9:57 10:00 soon as I pay off the IRS I will be
10:00 10:03 virtually penniless he now wants to warn
10:03 10:07 retirees to stay alert for scams because
10:07 10:09 otherwise it could cause them a
10:09 10:12 comfortable retirement Jeff beay CPS
10:12 10:15 News Arlington
10:15 10:17 Virginia tonight we have a consumer
10:17 10:19 alert about two candy recalls over
10:19 10:22 potential choking hazards what parents
10:22 10:27 need to
10:27 10:29 know now to this important concern alert
10:29 10:31 about two candy recalls just weeks
10:31 10:36 before Halloween over 145,000 rolling
10:36 10:38 Candy products are being recalled after
10:38 10:40 a 7-year-old girl died from choking on a
10:40 10:43 ball that got trapped in her throat and
10:43 10:46 about 70 million slime liquor sour
10:46 10:48 rolling liquid candy products are also
10:48 10:50 being recalled because of a potential
10:50 10:52 choking hazard customers can contact the
10:52 10:57 companies for a refund this year's Nobel
10:57 10:59 Peace Prize is being awarded to n
10:59 11:01 Mohamed a women's rights activist now
11:01 11:04 jailed in Iran Mohammed has been
11:04 11:06 arrested 13 times and sentenced to more
11:06 11:11 than 30 years in prison and 150 lashes
11:11 11:13 the Nobel committee says her life
11:13 11:16 embodies the woman life Freedom motto of
11:16 11:18 the protest that erupted last year after
11:18 11:21 a young woman died in custody after
11:21 11:23 being arrested for wearing her headscarf
11:23 11:25 incorrectly her family today
11:25 11:27 congratulated all the brave women and
11:27 11:30 girls of
11:30 11:33 Iran on the road is next with a story of
11:33 11:36 an egg an autograph and one man's desire
11:36 11:41 to crack the
11:41 11:43 case it's the age-old question of what
11:43 11:46 came first the chicken or the egg well
11:46 11:49 for one New Jersey man the egg always
11:49 11:52 came first cbs's Steve Hartman explains
11:52 11:54 on the
11:54 11:59 road for John AAL fatano the past is
11:59 12:01 ever present everywhere you look in his
12:01 12:04 danella New Jersey home there are relics
12:04 12:06 from a bygone era I don't know what it
12:06 12:08 is with me I just have a have a
12:08 12:11 connection with old stuff and he says no
12:11 12:14 connection runs deeper than the curio in
12:14 12:16 this cabinet that's the oddest thing of
12:16 12:19 all it's a chicken egg bequeathed to
12:19 12:21 John by a neighbor who found it in a
12:21 12:23 carton of eggs in
12:23 12:26 1951 the neighbor saved it because of
12:26 12:29 the note whoever gets this egg please
12:29 12:33 write signed Miss Mary Foss Forest City
12:33 12:35 Iowa John says his neighbor held on to
12:35 12:37 the egg for 50 years and never looked
12:37 12:40 for her then JN held on to it for
12:40 12:42 another 20 before finally posting
12:42 12:44 pictures on the weird and wonderful
12:44 12:47 secondhand find's Facebook page to its
12:47 12:50 three million members he pondered wonder
12:50 12:53 if she might still be alive so all those
12:53 12:56 people who had egg on their Facebook
12:56 12:59 hatched a plan scrambled fried hard to
12:59 13:02 find this Mary Foss after 72 years they
13:02 13:05 expected an exhausting search that would
13:05 13:07 not be over easy but they cracked the
13:07 13:10 case in less than a day and for those of
13:10 13:12 you keeping track at home that was eight
13:12 13:15 puns in 15 seconds do you remember
13:15 13:18 writing on that egg oh my goodness yes
13:18 13:20 and you were hoping to find someone to
13:20 13:25 be a pen pal well who knows we all
13:25 13:29 dream Mary is now 92 but as a teenager
13:29 13:31 working in an egg packing plant like
13:31 13:34 this one Mary says she used to dream of
13:34 13:37 meeting someone in a far off place that
13:37 13:39 fragile little Message in a Bottle her
13:39 13:43 way of reaching out yes and now 72 years
13:43 13:45 later she has finally made her
13:45 13:48 connection and here it is how are you
13:48 13:52 EG this week they came face to face for
13:52 13:54 the first time and I hope we get to see
13:54 13:57 you again would you want to meet John in
13:57 14:02 person oh I'd love to meet God wouldn't
14:02 14:07 you John oh John not really I have no
14:07 14:09 desire to beat the guy he's got his
14:09 14:13 problem keep an that long yeah you're
14:13 14:15 saving seven-year old eggs yeah you you
14:15 14:18 got a point there well when you get to
14:18 14:21 be my age you meet a lot of
14:21 14:25 cooks sorry John looks like the yol's on
14:25 14:28 us there's my uplifting ending St
14:28 14:31 department on the road in Mason City
14:31 14:35 Iowa how you like your egg and that is
14:35 14:37 tonight's CVS evening news I'm nor
14:37 14:42 O'Donnell good night and have a great
14:42 14:42 weekend